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Hello! So, I've been away from the blogosphere for quite some time. I had a good reason for it actually.
I was in South Africa!
A very dear friend of mine was getting married and I went there both as a friend and as a photographer (Old readers of this blog may know her by the name Sydafrika, as I usually call her).
It's been the most amazing few days and my camera is jam packed with photos. South Africa is unbelievably beautiful so you can imagine my camera rarely left my face.

Okay, brace yourself.
Here comes the first of many South Africa posts. This one focusing on the nature surrounding the Backpacker place where we lived.
Cute houses.
This is David's and my house.
Surrounded by mountains. Hoedspruit is the name of the town and everywhere you look there are mountains.
The evening sun when we arrived to Hoedspruit was so warm and pretty.
The backpacker place is called Mariepskop view.
David found a friend.
One day David and I went on a walk together with a woman working at the backpacker place and her 5 dogs.
Breathtaking. I have maybe 100 photos like these ones. I can't get enough of these mountain views.
Imagine being a dog living here. Must be such a great life roaming around.
Termite hills. Apparently the sand from one of those is good to eat. Lots of nutritions in it (I did not try it though).
I love these thorns! Super sharp and with a fondness of getting tangled up in my hair so I need to get saved to be free. I brought quite a few of them home to Sweden. I am a collector, you know. I'll show you all of the things I found in another post.
On our way back to our house we passed the reception building. It gets dark really early in South Africa and this is just before the sunset, at around 5.30 in the afternoon.
You know me. Show me a rusty wreck and I'll be in photography heaven.
The day before the wedding David and I went to have a look at the wedding location. It had been raining the entire week. Before we arrived to South Africa there hadn't been any rain at all for 9 months. We came with the Swedish weather apparently... The nature was very happy and every tree and plant around came to life.
We heard that the weather was going to brighten upo on the day of the wedding and we really hoped the rumours were true...
David is sceptic, standing on the island where the ceremony is to take place the day after.
Look at that view!
Aaaaaah, so beautiful! I really can't understand that I've actually been to such an amazing place.
Aloe Vera plant...
...not an alien.
South Africa turned out to be a lot cooler than we expected but it didn't really matter. Their spring is a bit like our autumn and I love autumn! It was very hot a few days though so we got to experience the entire weather spectra with sun, heat, wind, storm, drizzle and heavy rain.
One thing I really loved was the colours of nature. So many earth tones; blue, lilac and brown. The colours of the mountains ever changing, sometimes covered by foggy clouds and sometimes the air was all clear and it felt like you could see every bump and rock.
It is so hard to explain to you but I hope the pictures can show you some of the beauty we've seen.

Now I'm off to the first work shift after we came home from the trip. It feels kind of surreal to be back in Gothenburg. One thing is for sure: I have missed my bed and my shower!
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Let's start this very last Thailand post with some green.
One day we went to see the elephants. It was quite sad actually. The elephants were awesome but we couldn't really shake off the feeling that they weren't totally happy with their lives.
Here lies Claes ready for some belly massage.
After the show it was time for elephant riding. It took forever (60 minutes!) and we felt kind of bored after ten minutes. But it was beautiful surroundings for some parts of the ride.
And we liked when the elephant wanted to eat the tree instead of walking the way his master wanted him to go.
One night we went to the Cicada market. I had read about it on the internet before but all I knew was that it should be more arts and crafts than most Thai markets.
I immediately fell in love!
They had food carts all over the place, lamps in the trees and amazing crafts to buy!
I mean, just LOOK at the place! I want a place like this in Gothenburg. An entire park with delicious food, arts and crafts and places to hang out - open every friday to sunday! AMAZING!
We looked closely at all the food carts before we decided what to eat. And we actually ate desserts first before we realised we probably should eat some real food too. Love to be an adult and eat in the wrong order!
When it was dark the lights in the trees made it look all magical.
I was twenty meters behind on the way out, wanting to stay as long as I could.
When we left I felt I have to return to this place some day. Next time we come to Thailand whenever that might be.
Our last day in Thailand was spent at the beach. It was crazy hot and it was hard to move at all without turning in to a big sweat pond.
We made this beach bed ours and ordered in some fruit drinks.
The sand was insanely hot so for me to stand still and take this photo was a real challenge.
A tiny boat on the ocean! This looks like some sort of childrens book illustration to me. I think it would be about someone running away on the big, big ocean and experience new worlds that you thought only existed in the imagination.
David and his audio recorder capturing the sound of the waves.
Look, he's dancing in the dinstance.

And that was all from our Thailand trip. It was truly amazing and we experienced so many things.
Today we booked a trip to South Africa for later this year. A friend of mine is getting married there and I am going to be their wedding photographer. This year is one crazy travel adventure.
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David and our producer Claes are working on a short film right now about a ladyboy living in Bangkok. So the main reason for us to go to Thailand was not vacation but filming the locations and also meet Jessica as she calls herself.
She came to Hua Hin for a few days of vacation and to meet up with us. We took her to the beach first to shoot some scenes.
It was about to rain any second.
Jessica was such a delight and really showed some dramatic talent.
It started to rain like crazy so we had to leave the beach for a while. But when it had stopped raining we went to another location to film some more.
Jessica works as a prostitute in Bangkok. The money she has earned from that paid for her sex change operation.
The movie is about her life story and especially about the choices she has to make.
We had a really great day with her, walking around Hua Hin finding good filming locations.
When we were done for the day we went up to the sky bar of the Hilton Hotel. We had a drink and talked for a while. And enjoyed the pretty view.
I am so happy that I got to meet Jessica. She was such a lovely person and her story is really moving.
You usually just meet people that are similar to you and your lifestyle so meeting Jessica was such a great experience. It might be a cliché but I really believe that people are mostly the same and Jessica proves it.
They hope David has something good for them. In reality he's searching for light bulbs.
Vi är hemma nu.
Trötta och krassliga. David stackarn har fått öroninflammation. Jag dras nog mest med en vanlig hederlig förkylning.
Jag ska sortera igenom de sista fotona snart men först ska ni få bekanta er lite med Betty och Dolly, de före detta gatuhundarna som blivit omhändertagna och vaccinerats och nu springer fritt på det område där vi bodde. De älskade oss och vi älskade dem.
Och nu saknar vi dem jättemycket.
We're home now.
Tired and a bit under the weather. David's got an ear infection, poor boy, and I've got a regular cold as it seems.
I'm going to sort through the rest of the photos soon but first I will let you get to know Betty and Dolly, the former street dogs that's been taken care of and vaccinated and now roam free in the area that we lived in during our stay in Thailand.
They loved us and we loved them.
And now we miss them terribly.
David has got an audience...
David tries to teach Dolly to sit but she seems to think she's getting an ass rub.
Claes has better luck wtih some dog candy.
When Betty is sleeping she looks almost like a kangaroo.
Yesterday morning when we were about to leave.
Running towards me for some goodbye kissing, climbing and hugging.
Oh, Dolly! You are the sweetest dog ever!
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