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On midsummer's day David and I left Varberg for the island of Tjörn. It's an island in the Gothenburg arghipelago and it's beautiful!
We had booked a room at a hotel called Björholmens marina that was really wonderful.
In the evening we went to their restaurant just by the waterside.
The view from my seat at the restaurant.
Tough decisions to be made food wise. We went for the cod. It was delicious.
After we ate we went to the city of Skärhamn for an evening stroll.

But wait... what's that on the church over there...?
... A Smiley face! :-)
It was a cold evening so we went back to Björholmen early to snuggle up in the hotel bed, longing for the breakfast buffet already.
Breakfast view!
I wouldn't mind having it like this every day.
After we had checked out we went for a walk around Björholmen. The hotel is rather perfectly situated, isn't it?
After a while we went back to Skärhamn to visit the watercolour museum Nordiska Akvarellmuséet where they have a fantastic exhibit by the painter Lars Lerin. I have been wanting to see this for a really long time and was so glad when I found out it was shown there now!
Perfectly situated museum too.
I was quite overwhelmed by the paintings.
So was David.
When I had bought some postcards of a few of my favourite paintings (you just have to, right?!) we went to the café in the same building.
It was the weekend of gorgeous views while eating.
Those tiny houses are for rent, apparently. I love them!
Happiness induced by art, sunshine and pretty nature. And coffee.
Time to check out the cliffs!
David surrounded by nature.
Gaaaaah! The view! (And see, the smiling church again!)
The view! The cloud! The husband!
*happy sigh*
*another happy sigh*
Some mild rock climbing happening.
Some mild rock climbing finished.
David was a bit braver. I was more scared for the camera's sake than my own and protected it by taking photos of a climbing husband butt.
Rock posing.
Back on sea level again and really happy with the entire weekend. It was just what the doctor ordered!

Oh, hey! Don't forgot it's the last full day to enter the giveaway for a Leaf necklace pendant! Hop on over and Good luck!
I'll announce the winner tomorrow so make sure to pop by then.

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Last friday was midsummer's eve and David and I had made plans for a nice relaxing weekend away. David's been battling a bad sinus infection for forever and was starting to get really restless and I had gotten some quite dissapointing news so we were desparate to get away from the sofa for a couple of days.
We booked a hotel in the seaside town of Varberg and looked at the hotel website to make sure they served a nice midsummer lunch for when we arrived. They did! Perfect!
We got there twenty minutes past two in the afternoon and found out the lunch buffet closed at two.
Well, bollocks.
Checked up some alternatives and they all closed their lunch at two o' clock.
Darn it.
Defeated, and oh so very hungry and cranky, we decided to just go to a nearby café for lunch and make new plans for the evening.
Discarded midsummer flower crown.
Tired husband with evil sinuses.
Tired wife with perfectly healthy and kind mannered sinuses and a glass of beer.
The fish soup I ate was really lovely!
After we had eaten David started looking up where to find the closest grocery store. Our new plan was to buy stuff to make a midsummer's picnic with.
After some food shopping we went back to the hotel.
We were so tired! Slept for a few hours in this fancy bed.
In the evening we went out in search of a nice spot for a seaside picnic.
This wonderful wooden building is the Cold bathhouse of Varberg, built in 1864.
We walked past the fortress.
Reached the water again.
And found the perfect spot!
Sadly we weren't alone in thinking this was a great picnic spot. The seagulls were unmerciful and circled above us as well as getting creepily close. We should have thought of this since a big part of swedish midsummer food is herring...
Let's blame our less than stellar thinking on stupid sinuses and foggy brains.
You can see the dissapointment in my face.
So we gave up. Again.
And went back to the hotel.
And turned our bed into a smörgåsbord!
All the necessities (except for the boiled summer potatoes- my absolute favourite of the classic midsummer foods!).
So that was the midsummer's eve when nothing turned out as planned but still happened to be really lovely and just what we needed.
The day after we went to the island Tjörn in the Gothenburg archipelago.
But that's for another blog post. Soon.

I'm off soon to work the weekend but before I go I thought I'd remind you to enter my giveaway to win a Leaf Necklace Pendant from my new collection. Click here to go directly to the giveaway.

Good luck and have a lovely weekend everybody!

Well hello again!
I am free from the horrid cold and am now "only" battling the pollen invasion. It's apparently the worst pollen season in Gothenburg in 39 years which felt nice to hear because that confirms my belief that I've never ever had it this bad before. And I think pollen was one of the reasons David and I were so extremely tired and puffy eyed during our Copenhagen weekend.
Today I will show you how our sunday went. It was very windy but that didn't stop us, so let's take a peek.
We started off the day with another fleamarket. On this one I found a really nice black top for very little money. Good start of the day!
Then we went to the book café Paludan. I had read a lot about it on different blogs and was excited to see that it was just as lovely as it was described.
Books everywhere! They had a beautiful staircase up to the second floor but that photo didn't do it justice at all, so you'll just have to take my word when I say it was wonderful in a way only magical book stores can be.
Coffee and chocolate muffin!
Tired ol' me!
After this we were just too tired for words so we went back to the hotel and slept for a couple of hours. I told you; it's the theme of this trip. Extreme amounts of tiredness piled upon a huge mountain of sleepiness, dusted with pollen for a dramatic effect. Yeah.
In the late afternoon we had booked a table at a place on the other side of the tracks. The sky was quite dramatic and the wind could no longer be called a nice breeze. We walked faster, partly because we were hungry.
We found our way to the Tivoli Hotel (not at all close to the themepark Tivoli, by the way) where they had a funky elevator. Check out David's smokin' hot eyebrows!
We rode the elevator to the top floor...
... and stepped out to this spectacular view!
And this was our goal for the evening: The restaurant Sticks'n'sushi.
*happy sigh*
*loud rumbling in stomach*

It was so tasty and I could have stayed there for hours just eating but we were, surprise surprise, so extremely tired so we longed for the hotel again.
So after some coffe we walked our way back, fell asleep and slept like logs for ten hours or something.
And then, in the morning it was time to leave Denmark. But we didn't want to go back to Gothenburg just yet... so we went to Österlen for a couple of days instead! I'll tell you all about that next time.

Have a lovely weekend, my dear friends and readers.

Hope you had a nice weekend, I myself got caught by a nasty cold and am currently coughing like crazy. I spend most hours of the day in the couch watching Harry Potter movies but today I've felt the need to do something so I've made a new necklace pendant and now I'm trying the "sitting infront of the computer" thing for a while.
Because! It's time for the second one of my Copenhagen posts!
Saturday. Sunny and lovely Saturday in Copenhagen. Are you ready?
We walked to Nørrebro and checked out the fleamarket along the yellow wall. Last year I found the comfiest shoes I've ever owned at this fleamarket and this year I bought a really nice leather bag for almost no money.
The wall covers the big cemetery Assistens that I'd heard a lot about and since I'm a huge fan of cemeteries it was a definite must to pay it a visit.
It was such a lovely spring day and the moment we stepped inside it felt so peaceful and quiet around us.
Almost like a fairytale. I love how this cemetery was sort of wild grown. Large like Östra Kyrkogården (close to where we live) but so much more uncontrolled and rugged.
I matched the tree roots perfectly.
Beautiful wall!
Look! Wild and uncontrolled and so very dramatic and beautiful!
Things were left to grow together.
Someone took the opportunity to nap at the same time as his baby.
When we came back outside it was time to go in search for a café.
We found The Laundromat Café where David was happy to see they had vanilla milkshakes on the menu.
We were so incredibly tired and the pollen amount was affecting us both so we had hayfever too. We just sat there for quite some time to get the energy back.
Coffee and croissant for me.
Such a tired lady! I look so different here. Puffy eyed pollen hater, thats me!
We made our way across the bridge again after a while.
Lots of people on bicycles! Such a sure sign of spring.
Walked through the same park as we did last year.
And took a photo at the same place as well. Ah, we're creating traditions!

When we came back to the hotel we fell asleep for a couple of hours and then we went to a restaurant in the evening but the camera got to stay at the hotel so no pictures from that.

It was a really nice and cozy day and I'm so glad I got to see the Assistens cemetery because it was so beautiful! We even got to see the graves of H C Andersen and Sören Kirkegaard. Fascinatingly enough those graves weren't particularly interesting looking though. Too clean and proper and therefore, in my eyes, more boring.

I'll be back with the third, and last, Copenhagen post soon I hope. All depending on how this stupid cold progresses.

Until then:
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