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Hello hello!
I promised you Copenhagen photos and I will deliver. In three posts! I take so many pictures on trips like this and I feel like 47 photos in one post is a bit too heavy so this is part one of three from a very nice and lazy weekend.
We arrived in the afternoon and went in search of a place to eat. Copenhagen was in full spring mode.
We found our way to Halifax where we had lovely burgers and beer!
Tired. This is going to be the theme through all these three posts. We were just so damn tired! So much has been going on lately and there will be even more happening in the future so we were in great need of a weekend like this. It was quite interesting to look through all the photos from this trip because we look so tired in all the photos! I hardly recognise myself in some of them. We slept A LOT and went for nice walks around the city and ate amazing food and it was the best!
The dad talking to his baby, the lady on the bike waiting to cross the street, the woman with the blue hair, all the pretty flowers and houses. There's so much going on in this photo and I love it!
Parkways. One of the many things I just can't resist. I have so many photos of Copenhagen parkways, a few of them will pop up in these posts but far from all of them.
Spring has come a lot further in Copenhagen than in Gothenburg.
The light was just so nice!
LOOK AT THE COLOUR! I am just so amazed by the colour and light in these trees and I feel like the person who decided to plant this exact type of tree right there deserves an award of some kind. It's just so well thought out! Evening sun through tiny yellow leaves, it's simply perfect.
Things like this can make me happy for a very long time.
We walked back to our hotel when we were too tired and fell asleep hours before our usual bedtime and then we slept for eleven hours.

Today it's Good friday and I'm off to work. I'm working all weekend but after our realxing days in Copenhagen it feels quite alright.
I hope you're having a nice weekend and if you celebrate easter: Happy Easter! Glad PÃ¥sk!

In july David and I made a weekend trip to Copenhagen. Our plan was to buy lots of alcohol for our wedding but we wanted to have a few nice days there as well. I blogged a little bit about that in a post with iPhone photos but since I took so many photos with my Nikon D80 I wanted to show you those too. So lets take a look at a very nice weekend in july, when the sun was super hot and David's and my wedding was still in the future.
A walk around the theme park Tivoli.
Yeah, baby! Work it!
In this park all the statues had got their lips and genitalia painted pink...
The comfiest shoes in the world, found at the fleamarket in front of the yellow wall in Nørrebro.
Such a simple pleasure: Lie on a wooden deck and watch the water and sun make glitter in the leaves of an intensely green tree.
Last night I had a terrible, terrible nightmare. It was the worst one I've ever had, I think, and I woke up and cried hysterically for over ten minutes. I kept falling back into the dream every time I fell asleep again so I stayed awake most of the night to get away from it. Truly awful. Today I have been feeling such sorrow and grief all day. My brain still hasn't really realised it was only a dream. I find dreams to be so very interesting and I am fascinated how much they can control us even when we are awake and know the difference between dream and reality.
I find it easier if I talk about it and sort of keep reminding my brain that it wasn't real.
I always have very vivid dreams but luckily most of them are just weird and/or funny.
Lets hope tonight will be an especially lovely one.
Oh, and sweet, joyful dreams to all of you!
Hello hello!

Last monday David and I went to Glasgow, Scotland to bring home my wedding dress.
My friend Jennie lives in Glasgow and since we got to know each other at a school where I studied theatre and she sewing I knew that she would be the right person for my not so traditional wedding dress.
She's working at a theatre so we were there a lot during the week for fittings and detail discussions and just goofing around with the play props laying around the room. David and I also had opportunity to walk around Glasgow and since we had some things we wanted to find for the wedding we spent a lot of time shopping. And eating.
Here's some snippets of our days in Glasgow.
Evening walk in Queen's park.
Say hi to Stand In Lotta.
Jennie made her last time I was in Glasgow, in may. I wore a t-shirt and Jennie covered me in duct tape so I could hardly breathe. Then she cut the duct tape in the back, stuffed me with left over fabric and taped me back together again.
Since last time Stand In Lotta had become a bit more wobbly and out of shape but she worked fine until I could be there instead. Then she was useless and stood there on her four legs and looked sort of left out.
Boxes for your everyday needs...
We found our wedding accessories...
Oh, how I regret that I didn't take this with me. Such a fabulous headpiece!
David and I spent a few hours roaming around West End with all it's vintage and charity shop heaven.
And we ate cauliflower and mustard soup. That was my favourite soup at a café in Midhurst, England, where I lived for a year with my dear friend Lisa (or Sambon as I usually call her). Such a nostalgic taste for me now!
Banana and blueberry cake and latte for me. One giant meringue with whipped cream and berries for David.
Jennie hiding behind a cloud of tulle.
David entertaining himself listening to podcasts in the background.
When we came home we spent a day sleeping and running around town searching for all those things we didn't find in Glasgow.

On saturday I thought I had theatre practice. Apparently I was fooled.
My friends threw me a bachelorette party! Such a great day with lots of nice things. I was so happy the entire day!

Today is a day of last minute packing. So many things to bring with us! Clothes, wedding surprises, makeup, and don't forget the wedding dress!
I have to get going now. FIVE DAYS LEFT, my friends and readers.
And for you with instagram I recommend you to follow me for more photos (lottalosten is my name there, as always) and check out the hashtag #lottvidwed to see photos from our wedding guests.

Wiiiiii! This is so exciting!

I have been very absent lately and I thought I'd show you some of all the things going on in my life through my iPhone.
I had 8 days off work and David and I had lots of plans for that week. First up was a trip to Copenhagen, Denmark.
We had these two happy people tagging along in our car and dropped them off in Malmö. Ida and Christian made the car ride such a joy and had even made sandwiches and home made elderberry lemonade for a short stop during the trip.
In Copenhagen! We ate a lot of nice food during our weekend. David had a pizza with potatoes on it and it was a hit!
I had this. Very very tasty.
And the day after we shared this.
Iced coffee break resting our feet.
We went to lots of fleamarkets and I took many photos with my camera so I'll be back to show you more some other day.
Breakfast sunday morning. We had plans for the day and David was eager to get going. I had to drink fast. Hurry hurry!
This is a rare sighting. David among alcohol.
We were stocking up on drinks for the wedding and since David doesn't drink any alcohol it was up to me to choose. So if we bought disgusting wine it's all on me..
Then we made our way back over the bridge to Sweden and came to my family's house in Rörum! My sister was there with my niece and brand new little nephew.
Alfred seems to be a bit confused by all the attention.
Hilda is a wild one.
Astor the cat was enjoying the calm outdoors. Poor Astor, the house was not a safe zone for him. He seemed to take it all in stride, though.
My sister and Hilda took their job as Fly Hunters very seriously. I love how Hilda is trying to make the same crazy face as her mother.
One day David and I was in Simrishamn to eat lunch at the beautiful garden café Apotekarns. This was the view from our table.
I was happy in my "Naughty farmer's daughter dress" and new sunglasses from The Shade Company (and pepper between my teeth...shhhhh).
We took evening walks among the hills and looked at "our" tree in the distance.
And we climbed the hill to see it up close too. This is where we're getting married on august 24.
And this is the feeling I get every time I'm there. It just blows my mind and makes me want to dance!
Running down that hill in a Kate Bush sort of moment.
Feeling the love strongly.
This is forever going to be a place that makes my heart squeeze. It has been special since I first saw it three years ago but now it will be associated with us too. You and me, David.
Contemplating, watching the sun set, looking at sheep.
One day we found a kitten.
I wanted to keep it.
As every cat I see.
Sadly it was not mine to keep.
And I'm a bit allergic.
Another evening stroll. This time under the full moon.
The last rays of sunshine brightened the straws of grass along the road.
Telling secrets to my nephew. He's not all impressed...
But here he's listening intently. Learning a lot from auntie Lotta. Who's the best auntie?
And then it was time to leave. The entire family waved us off and we went home to our quiet apartment.

This week has been all about work and preparations. I have lots of photos to show you. Part 2 from my Papyrus photoshoot with Hanna but also a post from one evening last week when we found half a bridge in the middle of nowhere.
That is going to be a great post, I know it!

See you soon!
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