Hello hello!
I promised you Copenhagen photos and I will deliver. In three posts! I take so many pictures on trips like this and I feel like 47 photos in one post is a bit too heavy so this is part one of three from a very nice and lazy weekend.
We arrived in the afternoon and went in search of a place to eat. Copenhagen was in full spring mode.
We found our way to Halifax where we had lovely burgers and beer!
Tired. This is going to be the theme through all these three posts. We were just so damn tired! So much has been going on lately and there will be even more happening in the future so we were in great need of a weekend like this. It was quite interesting to look through all the photos from this trip because we look so tired in all the photos! I hardly recognise myself in some of them. We slept A LOT and went for nice walks around the city and ate amazing food and it was the best!
The dad talking to his baby, the lady on the bike waiting to cross the street, the woman with the blue hair, all the pretty flowers and houses. There's so much going on in this photo and I love it!
Parkways. One of the many things I just can't resist. I have so many photos of Copenhagen parkways, a few of them will pop up in these posts but far from all of them.
Spring has come a lot further in Copenhagen than in Gothenburg.
The light was just so nice!
LOOK AT THE COLOUR! I am just so amazed by the colour and light in these trees and I feel like the person who decided to plant this exact type of tree right there deserves an award of some kind. It's just so well thought out! Evening sun through tiny yellow leaves, it's simply perfect.
Things like this can make me happy for a very long time.
We walked back to our hotel when we were too tired and fell asleep hours before our usual bedtime and then we slept for eleven hours.

Today it's Good friday and I'm off to work. I'm working all weekend but after our realxing days in Copenhagen it feels quite alright.
I hope you're having a nice weekend and if you celebrate easter: Happy Easter! Glad PÃ¥sk!

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