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Yesterday evening when the sun was about to set, David and I went for a walk. I had brought my camera with me to take some photos along the way. We were heading towards the cemetery first and then we were going to get something to eat at another part of town.
This is what I saw that captured my eye.
Two naked guys having a fist and stone throwing fight over which one of them could have the sled. We didn't stay to see who won.
When we arrived at the cemetery the sun was setting behind the tombstones.
The sky was all sorts of beautiful and made you want to stretch your arms towards it in joy.
You know that hazy kind of light that comes around that time of the evening, I love that.
Some dead people apparently needed sphinxes guarding them.
Oh my, this is the place for scary movies.
Peekaboo sun behind the church tower.

After this we left the cemetery and went to get some food.
We passed over the bridge and waved to the lion on the fort Skansen Lejonet.
Walked through some not so pretty, but still very interesting, parts of Gothenburg to get to the libanese grill where we picked up our food before we went home again.

The air smelled a lot like spring and I'll keep that in my nose until this winter has passed. Today seems to be all wintery and cold again and if yesterday was all the spring we'll get for a few weeks I still know it's out there waiting. And that's good enough for now.
Today the sun was shining brightly and the air was crisp and cold. David and I decided it was time to go for a walk and check on how The Lonely Tree was doing.
Walked past the pig and hen.
The pig seemed to have the best of times there under the hay. He lay there grunting and enjoying the sun.
The farm house in winter time.
An old caravan on the hill. In the summer time farm workers live there. I think it sounds so romantic. A summer job on a farm for a couple of months, living in a caravan surrounded by beautiful hills.
Ah, there you are Lonely Tree!
You know when you have really hairy legs and wear stockings and some of the leg hair peek through the fabric?
Well, lets say it: the ground had not been shaved recently and the fabric of snow was not enough to cover the evidence...
It was quite difficult to get all the way up to the tree today because at some places the snow was really really high. But we made it!
Looking down on the village of Rörum.
Can't get enough of this view.
And the other way has equally stunning view!
On our way down we were the first humans to walk this path for some time. Lots of cat paw prints and a few tracks from hares as well. The cats had been walking on top of the snow because they are so light so when we stepped there we just fell through the thick snow. Just one of those moments when you think it would be awesome to be a cat...
Perfect valley.
In the evening we went in to Simrishamn to eat at the restaurant Maritim. Thats the restaurant we wanted to go to on monday when it was David's birthday but it was closed.
Today it was open but we were the only guests there. Simrishamn during winter season is a very quiet town.
The food was great and it was the perfect way to end our visit to Österlen for this time.

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Today is David's birthday! Hooray!
It turned out really lovely but not at all as we had planned.
Breakfast first.
It was starting to snow really really much.
We wanted to book a table for tonight at a nice restaurant in Simrishamn but when we called they said that the only restaurant in Simrishamn that is open on mondays during winter time is a hotel.
Hm. Not what we wanted.
So we decided on cooking mussels instead and drove in to town in a blizzard.
When we got there they told us No, no mussels on mondays.
Okay, then.
New plan. Fish soup!
When we came back to the house we got a call from the people owning the place where we're going to get married later this year.
They wanted to have a chat and we went out again in what now was a snow storm.
We walked past some beautiful scenery.
We had a nice little meeting and set the date for our wedding. Woop woop.
On our way back it was hard to walk straight in the cold wind.
With all the snow flying around the world look almost like it was sketched by an artist.
David looked ruggedly handsome in a fine layer of snow.
(Look at those amazingly blue eyes! Swooooon!)
When we came back inside we decided that we're not walking outside any more today. I took the opportunity to fall asleep on the couch.
Then it was time to start with the cooking. I was head chef and together we made a fish soup with lots of white wine, cream and fresh thyme.
Dinner served!
And that was this day.
It's so quiet here now. No traffic, no people. It's all dark and wintery outside but inside we have candles and tea.
And it's finally stopped snowing.
Today we went to the beach right before sunset to take some photos. I've been longing to see the ocean all wintery and cold. Love how different it looks from summer time.
It really was freezing today and we walked along the beach for quite some time. I was taking lots of photos of the beautiful surroundings and saying things like Ooooh, look! and Aaaah, the colours are amazing!
I almost screamed with joy when I saw this icicle tree! So beautiful!
Spying on David while he's recording the sounds of the ice cold ocean sweeping in.
It was weird to walk on completely smooth and hard sand. Not a single footprint left behind.
I love how everything was covered in a layer of ice. It looked almost pre historic. Or like I imagine it would look like, anyway.
The rest of the evening will be spent writing stuff, drinking tea and getting warm under some blankets.
Certainly one of my favourite kind of evenings.
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