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Yesterday David and I got to visit a place we've been dying to see for several years now.
The old Papyrus factory in Mölndal, just outside of Gothenburg.
The place has been abandoned for a long time and it's a dream come true for people who are into things like urban exploring.
David is going to make a shortfilm soon and this was the first place that came to our minds when we talked about possible locations for a couple of the film's scenes. We had to have permission to enter the old factory and a man who showed us around, it could be quite dangerous to walk around there alone. I've been dreaming of having a photoshoot with a model and my jewelry there, so I was happy to come along and see the place beforehand.
It was such an amazing adventure!
This is exactly the kind of places I love. It's rugged, rusty, scary and beautiful all at the same time.
We found that it is the perfect spot for both David's shortfilm and my jewelry photoshoot so we will definitely be back there soon.
I took A LOT of photos and it was really hard to cut down the amount of pictures to post here so beware: this is one large blog post.
So, lets have a look then. I hope you get a little bit of the feeling we had walking around this fantastic setting.
Waiting for our guide to arrive.
And we went inside...
The old escalators have been still for many years.
The light was amazing everywhere here!
White fabric was blowing in the wind.
My heart rate was beating all over the place, I was just so excited!
Light seeping in from the outside.
Click on the photo for beautiful wide screen effect.
Looked out the door in the previous picture.
I stopped abruptly when I saw this in the corner of my eye.
Hello there, creepy large baby!
Looking through one of the large factory buildings.
The graffiti on the board says Snopp (Penis) which of course is a perfectly reasonable thing to write in an abandoned factory building.
Then we found this large room. It was breathtaking. I mean, yeah. Truly breathtaking.
The large windows and high ceiling made this room so light and beautiful.
Light coming through the ceiling like drapes over the cement.
We came out of the buildings and said goodbye to our guide who told us we were free to walk around on the outside as much as we wanted.
Here is the large cement pool.
I love how the graffiti and the trees turn these grey buildings into something colourful!
"Sometimes you just have to pee in the sink"
This was another really great place. So cool with the two floors, the graffiti and the plants growing everywhere. Yeah, I love this so much!
Skum. Translates to both Weird and Foam. Sometimes swedish really is a weird language (Or a foam language?).
David behind my phone camera.
We walked back to the car with a happy bounce in our steps. Can't wait to return for the real thing.
I love how a place like this can exist in the middle of a city. Apparenly they want to tear it down and build new buildings sometime in the future. I can understand that it's a really unsecure place and the people working in the surrounding buildings must be very tired of people running around unauthorised, and destroying the place even more, but, but, but IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!
Isn't it beautiful!?
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Hej hej!
I've had my friend Johanna here for a few days. We've been friends since we were kids and lived in the same neighbourhood (actually even long before that but that's another story involving a plastic frog).
Yesterday we had a day filled with lots of nice things, I thought I'd show you.
We walked through the cemetery and I got the most amazing film idea that I won't tell you anything about because it is so wonderful I'm afraid someone would want to steal my oh so brilliant ideas. And we can't have that!
Johanna trying out the comfiness of a seriously large sofa.
Found our way to Antikhallarna.
In one of the shops I bought old postcards and studio portraits of beautiful and/or funny strangers, and Johanna found some pretty bills.
Then it was time for fika!
Johanna is tasting the mango smoothie...
...and giving it a great review!
Kids of today, taking photos of their food.
After a while we continued our walk through Gothenburg and found this welcoming sign. So pretty, we just had to go inside!
Climbing the stairs to Floramor & Krukatös
And we stepped into this. I think this might be the prettiest shop I've seen. Flowers and things everywhere!
I mean look at this! So many pretty things!
We looked around for quite some time.
Smelling the flowers.
The pretty plants were outside as well.
Flower nose.
There's even a coffee place in the courtyard and I feel like I've found a beautiful treasure in the middle of the city. Must go back soon!
It was summer in Gothenburg. I love how people start to use the surroundings again after so many cold months of just walking from point A to point B without looking around.
Park and tulips.
When we walked home we realised that day had turned into evening. Our feet were sore after walking around for hours.
It's windy in this town!
Johanna "Crazy Eyes". Compulsory elevator pic.
When we were home I baked bread and we sat in the kitchen eating warm bread and drinking tea for a few hours before Johanna brought out the big guns. Or eyeshadow palettes, in this case.
She work as an esthetician and she's going to do my makeup on the wedding (100 days, wooop!).
Starting off with a blank canvas.
Here I'm listening intently. I'm not sad beyond words, as it may seem.
Here I'm listening intently. I'm not a small child looking fondly at fluffy bunny rabbits, as it may seem.
Laughing with powder flying around my face. It could be dangerous. It went well, though.
Applying false eyelashes. Not removing the ones I already have.
Artist at work.
I won't show you more now, but we found out which things didn't work and which ones that did.
It was midnight before we were finished and I was all dolled up. And then I had to go wash it off for the night. All that work for only five minutes!

Fun fact: Johanna was the one doing my makeup for my highschool prom. She already knew back then what she wanted to do.

Today Johanna went home again after a too short time here. We always have so much to talk about! And we didn't have time to do even a third of all the things we had planned.

Now I'm going to try to persuade David to go with me for an evening stroll. Wish me luck!
Yesterday was such a lovely spring day. David and I walked into town and took the way past blooming cherry and magnolia trees. It felt like ages ago we did that, walked that specific path to town and just strolled around. We had some errands to do but mostly it was just really nice to be out in the lovely weather.
The fort Skansen Lejonet pops up between two bridges.
We took the path through the cemetery Stampen. I love this place all year round but spring time is extra pretty (well, autumn might be equally lovely) because of all the green leaves and blossoming flower trees everywhere.
An oasis in the middle of the city.
The cherry blossoms called our names. I want to just live there, among the branches filled with flowers.
David looks sceptical, but I assure you he was just thinking very hard about a movie idea. That's what he looks like then.
I was not thinking about anything other than living among cherry blossoms.
Swinging my bag adorably.
The skirt is from Thailand where I had it made. It turned out more fancy than I had planned so I don't use it that often but yesterday it was "Fancy skirt weather" so it was perfect. The jacket is several years old, from a stall on Camden market in London, and the bag is one of my favourites, from Frank and Gertrude.
And of course I wore matching socks.
I love cemeteries. They are a more dramatic kind of park. I'm not religious so I have no connection to that part of churchyards but I just really appreciate the calm seriousness of it all. It's pretty at the same time as it's sad because people have loved ones there and they go there to remember, mourn, feel. I think it's beautiful.
A meeting by the bench.
Found a magnolia tree as well. Magnolia is my favourite flower and tree all in one. When I grow up (not gonna happen in a while, probably) I'm going to have AT LEAST five different magnolia trees in my garden. Maybe ten.
Trädgårdsföreningen hiding behind the trees.
We went to Antikhallarna to look around in search for a special thing. We found it! Tell you more some time...
They have a café there and it's such a lovely place I'm sure I will be there all the time this spring and summer.
We sat out in the sun and I ate a cake with a tongue on it...
It was a super tasty cardemom cake.
David looking fondly at that thing we found that I wont tell you about...
Then we went to buy a new diary for me. I write every evening as you might know (22 years and counting, every single day).
On our way home we walked past this sign. Love how rusty it is and how it, sort of, blends into the brick wall. It says Bicycle parking forbidden.
Close to where we live there's a tiny park in front of an apartment building and for some reason I just really love it. It's sweet, has lots of trees and this, kind of sad looking, playground. Nothing fancy, it's just something nice about it.
And they have a really big cherry tree.
I had to stop for a while. Stop to sniff, to dream, to long for a garden filled with ten, no, FIFTEEN magnolia trees and five cherry trees.
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This thursday was the first day I went outside for almost a week. I've been totally knocked out by this cold, but now I'm feeling almost like normal again (well, what is normal, really?).
So, on thursday I took my camera, put on a vintage lens that David bought on a fleamarket a while ago, and walked out in spring ready to capture the day.
I took photos the entire day so you get to tag along.
Outside the door! Fresh air! New socks! READY!
Spring really took it's time this year, but during my week inside it finally arrived -complete with bursting buds and tiny leaves.
This was my destination for the morning. An italian café close to where I live.
They sell italian icecream that looks AMAZING but I was there for breakfast this time.
My date Ida. Since she's a freelance journalist and gets to plan her schedule herself and I work evenings and weekends we have started a tradition of meeting up for breakfast regularly. Our previous favorite breakfast place turned out to have really bad staff regulations so now we are on the lookout for a new favourite place in the neighbourhood. It's hard because there are not too many cafe's to choose from and the ones there are don't qualify for all our high demands.
It needs to be cozy enough to sit there for a couple of hours.
They must have a toilet (because we want to sit there for hours).
They need to serve breakfast.
We haven't yet found our new place.
She is a cutie pie.
After our breakfast date we said goodbye for today and I had some errands to do in the shops.
Little old ladies with red berets were enjoying the spring.
Dandelions! Sure sign of spring.
At Olskrokstorget (the town square I live close to) the flowers were newly planted.
Went to the fruit shop. Fruit is my biggest addiction after tea. I just love to walk around in fruit stores, look at the different kinds of fruit they have for the day, pick the most beautiful, exotic, tasty, lovely smelling ones and leave the store with far too much fruit for one person.
I just can't restrain myself when it comes to fruit. Guess there are worse kinds of addictions though...
Look how pretty! Fresh herbs and oranges. Sounds like a name of a restaurant, doesn't it?
Compulsory elevator pic.
Camera hand.
Love this.
I like to ring the door bell when I know David is home because I love to see his face in the doorway when he opens for me. I mean, look at him! The sweetest.
We got mail.
Important mail.
The application for our marriage!
We are good to go, apparently not related in any way and not already married with somebody else. Good.
I celebrated by choosing my bridal couple teacup.
I needed some help from David with the computer program. Took pictures of his nice hands.
And silly self portraits where the camera lens looks like it is a mouth. A very surprised mouth.
And still life of jewelry in my window sill waiting to be photographed for my shop.
And the ever pretty seed pods from South Africa.
Worked for hours.
Many receipts to look through.
When I was finished it was high time for food!
David made pizza.
I took care of the dishes.
Garnished and ready for the oven.
It was so tasty!
While we waited for the pizza to be ready I entertained myself with taking photos of things around the kithen. Like basil.
And an avocado sputnik.
See the decanter? Remember?

The evening was very still (I was so tired after my first adventurous day since before the stupid cold). Probably it involved listening to music, reading blogs, watching Buffy the vampire slayer and almost falling asleep on the couch.
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