David and I decided it was high time we visited the family summer house for a few days of writing and clearing our heads a little.
It's been rainy and miserable in Gothenburg lately so we were so happy to wake up to wonderful sunshine yesterday.
I decided to document the entire day because I've really missed that kind of blogging.
So, here's my entire day yesterday.
Woke up late. We always do that here.
The first two days are sort of foggy too, especially in winter because the house is warming up after a couple of cold months, so it's cold and a bit damp before both the house and we have gotten used to the whole thing. The day after we arrived we were so tired we could hardly keep our eyes open.
Well, that was a sidetrack, let's continue with yesterday.
Breakfast was two avocado toasts with salt and pepper, and a cople of cups of coffee with milk.
A pile of orange cloves.
Drank some more coffee and checked the internet for a while.
(And check out that little fruit sticker underneath my slippers. It's still there, I can't be bothered to remove it right now. Mabe later.)
Then we went out for a walk. Walked past the hen houses.
Said hello to some hens.
Bright sunlight behind hay bales.
And then we heard someone calling for us. We turned around and this little fellow was running towards us. Such a cutie!
We love eachother.
I always wish I weren't allergic when we meet one of these super friendly cats around here. I can be around them for a few days but it won't really work out having them in my home. So sad.
For a video with this adorable cat click
here .
We said goodbye to our new friend and walked to our tree. It's ours because we got married underneath it in august 2013.
Over the stile we went.
And up the steep hill.
And then we had to catch our breaths for a while.
And check out the beautiful view.
It was very windy and cold up there. As you can see.
Took a few self timer photos of us too, of course.
And then we began our walk down the hill again.
To say hello to all the sheep!
(And sorry to the sheep in the front who got himself captured on photo while pooping...)
Flowers in wintertime.
When we got back to the house it started to get dark outside so we heated the fish stew we made the day before. I found the
recipe online (it's in swedish though) and we're definitely making this one again! Lots of vegetables, lemon, oranges, chili flakes and thyme makes this soup a wonderfully spicy taste explosion.
After dinner I sat and edited photos from way back in november. I'm so behind on this!
Then I read through what David and I have been writing on.
This is our set up when we're here by the way. We eat on one side of the table and work on the other.
And a poke on the nose is absolutely necessary, of course.
Back to editing again. And looking up at my beautiful husband once in a while.
Clementines and coffee kept me going.
(Love Love Love that mug! We got it from friends as a wedding gift and it stays here in this house so I'm always happy when I get to use it.)
Listened to podcasts and worked by our computers until our tummies started to growl. Sandwiches with crisp apples on them is super tasty so don't knock it until you've tried it, alright!
And then it was night and time for bed.
So that was my day yesterday. Hope you liked to see this little glimpse into my life.
See you soon again!
I thought since it was forever since I blogged about my day to day life it would be appropriate with a little catching up, right?
So let's start in november when David and I went to Los Angeles.
In a plane somewhere over Utah. Earth is quite extraordinary, don't you think?
Tall and shiny buildings. Things we don't have that much of in Sweden.
Sunshine in november. Things we don't have at all in Sweden.
Good for me then that I bought a pair of white rubber boots (I call them my "Storm Trooper Boots" for obvious reasons) that I got good use of straight away when we came back home to Gothenburg.
We went to our hometown Jönköping over the weekend to visit our families.
The weather was rainy and dreadful. Reststop posing is not David's main sport.
We went for a walk one evening.
And I danced a little at a rainy skate park.
One of the reasons we went to Jönköping was because I had a birthday present to receive. I had wished for a fleamarket shopping day with my mother and I found so many great things! This wonderful green tweed coat, for example.
Here I am, all happy, outside the office supply store because I had lots of stuff to buy before my week at the christmas fair!
At the christmas fair in the shopping mall Nordstan! I was there every day the week before christmas with my jewelry.
Arranging things before the customers arrive.
On december 22 David and I celebrated 8 years together and I dressed up accordingly. This is the dress I bought from a Lights Out fan in Los Angeles by the way. It will forever be called the Lights Out dress because of that.
Awww, don't we look cute?!
We went to a really
lovely restaurant and had a nice dinner.
And then we went home to our families for christmas.
The snow arrived promptly before christmas dinner.
And everyone was happy with their christmas gifts.
It was very cold on christmas day. David and I went for a walk.
To the lake Munksjön in the centre of Jönköping. The moon hung prettily in the sky.
Oh, Astor, you silly bundle of fluff!
Back in Gothenburg again we got a visit from my sister and her kids. David and my niece Hilda made this drawing together. Well, Hilda told David what to draw.
I got the itch to clean (happens once in a blue moon) and sorted though all my jewelry and knick knacks sitting on the bathroom floor, drinking coffee and listening to podcasts.
It was super foggy in Gothenburg around new years. Our neighbourhood looked a little bit like Hogwarts.
A few hours later when the snow had turned into grey mush Gothenburg looked miserable again.
One weekend our friends (and wedding witnesses) Aili and Jonas came to visit us. It had been so long since we last saw eachother and we had a couple of great days together. Visited the enormous antique store
Antikladan. Aili and Jonas found a great lamp for their new place. David and I were broke though so we only looked. That place is huge so it's an adventure in itself just to find the way through it without getting lost.
And it was sun that day! Wonderful!
And I found a girlfriend!
This coat had been missing a button for a long time and then the other day I found it! When I sewed it on I noticed that the coat had an extra button sewn into the lining so I hadn't really needed to search high and low for the missing one. Well, well.
Happy to be able to wear this lovely coat again!
Last week I was a month early to a meeting. Silly me.
It was early in the morning and David and I had decided to eat breakfast at a café after my (non existing) meeting. On our way there the largest snowflakes I've ever seen started to fall from the sky. Some of them landed on David's eyebrows and eyelashes.
A view from our balcony the day the storm flew in. It was quite scary actually. It's hard to sleep when the windows are rattling and the entire walls are trembling. They closed off the street below ours because a roof had flown off a bulding. Storms are scary.
Just a self portrait in the Lights Out hallway to capture the outfit I wore that day.
It was one of those days when you don't really think things through, but it turns out alright anyways.
The white cardigan is an old thrift find that I keep in a plastic bag in my wardrobe because it's so fuzzy and fluffy. The skirt is my velvet skirt that I use almost every day.
Fluffiness and velvet is not really a good match, but it worked out fine because as it happens there's not much fluff left in the cardigan anymore.
Yesterday I had a little conversation with myself.
Oh, and I made a thing. Go follow me there if you aren't already!
I'm off to bake banana bread now because a friend is coming over for tea later!
Talk to you soon.
This was supposed to be a
Two Two Two but there were just too many photos in my phone and some of them didn't match with any other, some of them fit together with lots of photos and I just AAAAAAHHH I want to put them all in a post!
So let's do that, shall we?
So, lately! I've been taking photos of sunsets:
Both from my balcony...
... and from a puddle one the ground.
We had a cat living with us for half a week!
Pixan's human Jossan went on a vacation and David and I were more than happy to have cat company for a few days.
David is one of those people that cats just seem to love. I'm more of an aquired taste, I guess. The cats that like me LOOOOVE me, but some are just "Meh, I don't care fore her". So I was a little nervous before Pixan arrived. And when she came I was at work and David kept sending me pictures of how he and Pixan were all cuddled up in the sofa, already loving eachother, and that didn't make me feel any less nervous!
But! She loved us both!
Here she is in the Lights Out hallway looking like a cute little ghost kitten.
One evening Pixan kept me company in the kitchen while I was trying to write.
Here she seems to be thinking "dumdidumdidum, I'm just sitting here all normal, don't mind me" while she's planning naughty things.
See how great she looked in our apartment! We miss her already.
I've been sitting a lot in the kitchen writing, learning my lines in the play I'm in, listening to podcasts and drinking tea.
One day I was feeling Bleh. Or Meh.
Wanted to do lots of creative things but had no ideas and ended up taking a zillion self portraits trying to capture the feeling of Meh. Or Bleh.
This was as close to it I could get (you should see the photo gallery in my phone though! Lotta all over the place, standing on the chair, stretched out on the floor, on top of the chest, infront of the door, it was a real circus!).
Last weekend David and I went to a HUGE antique store/fleamarket a 40 minutes drive from Gothenburg. It was so big, with so many things, that I ended up buying nothing. I met these cool mannequins though.
This girl seems to be having something wrong with her arms.
David and his big mouth.
Antique store selfie! And look at that awesome wall paper!
Feet selfies. Footsies.
Elevator selfies. Here with take away coffee.
Perky and Grumpy in the elevator.
(Can't stop laughing at this)
Dramatic self portrait with new skirt.
I got my vintage coats back from the tailors! This one has been smelling lots of Gothenburg air lately.
One morning I met up with a friend for breakfast at Antikhallarna. This is my favourite spot in Gothenburg, I think (together with
Trädgårdsföreningen, of course!).
Most days my food look like just plain old boring food. But sometimes it looks like this!
Cold wheat noodles with salad, spring leek, mango, edamame beans, sugar snaps, smoked salmon, sesame seeds sprinkled on top of it and lots of dressing made of mustard, olive oil and white wine vinegar.
This is so tasty and I've made it several times in the last few weeks.
The self portrait spot in the well lit stairwell with the dusty windows has seen me a lot too.
Yellow tights!
Having a staring contest with myself.
At night time for a more dramtic look!
One evening David had me painting small, white dots all over my face.
All in the name of visual effects, and testing for an upcoming little film project. More on that another day hopefully!
David helped
Teater Esther with the poster and trailer for our play Perfect Life AB. I wrote about that in my
last post. David and I made the teaser trailer a few days ago and then yesterday we released it. I think it's so awesome! Have a look at it
here if you want too (it's in swedish though).
The opening night of Perfect Life AB is november 7 which also happens to be my birthday so that is going to be an absolutely fantastic day!
If you are in the Gothenburg area during that weekend make sure to get your tickets soon! Last year we sold out completely and had to turn people down because there were no more seats left. Check out the
Facebook event for more info.
Today is a stereotypical Gothenburg day. Super gray and rainy. Quite nice actually, at least when you're indoors looking out on the weather while sipping tea. As I am.
Hope you're having a wonderful wednesday!
Talk to you again soon!
I thought about blogging this yesterday but it was election day here in Sweden and my mind was way too focused on that for me to sit down and blog.
It turned out to be a very depressing election because the racist party became Swedens third largest party and the feminist party that I voted for didn't make it into the parliament.
It's just so awful.
But let's focus on something else entirely for a while! Something interesting and weird and hauntingly beautiful in its ugliness.
The car cemetery David and I visited during our road trip a couple of weeks ago. This day was our wedding anniversary and we filled it to the brim with amazing adventures. (For part one of this day click
here )
This place is situated far into the woods close to the Norwegian border and people go there to look and be fascinated by the surreal atmosphere.
There are said to be a couple of thousands of old cars (some of them go as far back as the 1950's) in this car cemetery and the land is owned by two people who live on the property as well.
I've read that people in the area think of it as a sort of cultural heritage that needs to be left as is, but at the same time nature is not really loving it; the trees are not healthy and the ground must be filled with toxic waste.
No matter what, it's an extremely interesting and strangely beautiful location and the entire experience made a huge impact on both of us.
It's a place that get's the imagination going and we felt like we were thrown into a post apocalyptic world where everyone else was dead except for the few of us walking around the remnants of a long ago destroyed planet.
Fascinating, scary and very exciting!
I hope these pictures can give you a little bit of that feeling.

Nature takes over.
Imagine the years it must have taken for the trees to grow this big, that's how long the car has just been lying there untouched.
Mossy license plate numbers.
Almost melted together.
Cars almost entirely eaten by nature.
Forever queuing.
I stood here for quite some time just staring, my mind reeling with fantastical movie scenarios.
The moss intrigued me to no end. I have so many photos from here of cars covered in moss. It just loks so beautiful.
Really really old cars. But the grill is still shining.
Old signs from local businesses.
Can you feel it? That deserted, surreal feeling of being all alone in a far away future?
Sooooo, new week! Monday means theatre rehearsal for me, but before that I'm going to be working on my etsy shop for a while. New pretty things to be added soon!
Until next time: