We escaped to the mountains for the weekend. It's our wedding anniversary, and it's become quite the tradition for us to come up here for a weekend in august. We love the fresh air and the pine trees: they remind us of Sweden.
We're renting an airbnb with an amazing view of rocks and boulders that we decided we should climb. So yesterday we made sandwiches (rice cakes for me since I'm on the world's most boring diet due to stomach issues where nothing tasty is allowed (I'm exaggerating) and gluten free bread tastes like dusty crap (I'm not exaggerating)) poured some wine into a plastic bottle, packed a blanket, and then we walked and climbed and slid our way to the other side of the ravine.
There we ate our sandwiches in front of the beautiful view while the sun set behind the forest. It was quite magical.
Wanna see?
Don't drop the sandwiches, David!
David told me something interesting that I've forgotten about now.
The moment a bat flew by in that wobbly, kinda cute, way.
When we walked back across the ravine it was colored in pink.
A successful Dinner with a View!
Okay, are you ready? Let's get this blog post rolling!

I love cemeteries. LOVE them.
In Gothenburg we lived right next to a huge old cemetery that I used to visit a few times every week; to run, go for a walk, make a shortcut through it on my way somewhere. We even filmed a few scenes for a movie there (didn't turn into something though). Cemeteries are moody and dramatic, and they contain SO many aspects of life. Yes, death too, but to me it's more about life. All the people that were once living and breathing, all their friends and family visiting them and remembering them alive. All the beautiful gravestones that were made by amazing artists (that might even be buried on that very cemetery by now). All the people keeping the graves in shape for people alive to see.
There's so much life in a place for death!
Anyways, when we found out that we were going to Savannah the first thing I did was to google if there were any cool cemeteries there that we could visit. I found the Bonaventure Cemetery and it looked AWESOME on the photos.
On Sunday we took an Uber there, armed with my camera and the tripod for my iphone. I was imagining all the spooky photos and self portraits I was going to take.
And then when we got there it was closed.

But, "how did you get these photos then?" you might ask.
Two girls were standing outside the fence looking equally disappointed about the Closed Signs that we were. They said it was closed because of the fallen trees and mess after Hurricane Matthew. They also said that they had seen the guard sleeping in her car at the front. And that they had seen some people sneaking inside.
David was looking around and all of a sudden he was inside. He had found a hole in the fence. "Just a little peek?"
So we went in there, and quite a few people followed.
It was so beautiful! And because it was closed it was quiet and calm and even more of an adventure!
We could see the remnants of Hurricane Matthew everywhere. It made the place so spooky.
We walked around looking at all the names on the grave stones.
Some were big and intricate.
Some were just plain sad.
Some were funny. Lang and Lange sounds like an awesome detective business.
A little family cluster.
And then we saw this monument from afar and it was like my heart started pitter patter super fast.
The trees, the light, the structures, the hanging moss, EVERYTHING!
I took a bunch of self portraits here. You can see all of them on my
instagram, but
here's the one I took at this exact spot.
Let's just walk around in silence for a bit, shall we?
This environment reminded me of a forgotten land, like Atlantis, or a level in a Sonic the Hedgehog game.
It seems like we're never getting away from Hollywood.
And then we found my name on it...
And here's little Gracie. Alone in a fenced in garden. That made me the most sad. She died so early and then they put her here, locked inside, like she was doomed to be forever lonely, parted from the rest of the world. I don't even believe in any afterlife, but it still seems sad to me.
Only 6 years old.
And here's Ida. Born in Sweden.
Such rich jewel tones everywhere. I was walking around there with constant heart eyes.
Gray and David.
Then we met the two girls from earlier. They said they had seen the guard driving by, and that she had thrown out a couple of people, but they hadn't been seen yet.
We thanked them for the heads up and made our way quickly to the hole in the fence. We did not want to get caught in there!
Hearts beating, eyes scanning everywhere, ears listening for sounds of a car.
We got out. And then, just a breath later, we saw the guard and a police car driving by inside the cemetery at the exact place we were walking just moments earlier.
We sent a thought of Thank You to the two girls for warning us, but then we realized: they were still in there. We wished we could have warned them somehow but there was no way.
We were walking down the road ten minutes later when the girls drove by us. They looked solemn. We waved.
And that was that adventure. It was fantastic! I wish we could have stayed in there forever. Maybe some day we can go back, and walk in the front entrance like normal people. But I would not change this day in any way, because it really was the most beautiful experience.
But wait! We're not done yet!
Sunday evening we had the panel after Lights Out screened and it went great. The audience was lovely and we met so many wonderful people afterwards. Every time we do something like this we want it to go on for longer. When they say "we have time for one more question from the audience" it makes both of us think "Oh no! We want more questions!" Haha. It's just so much fun.
I didn't bring my camera for that, but on Monday morning it was back around my neck for the hours before we had to leave for the airport. Let's take a look at that.
We were on our way to eat breakfast. Walked through the square with the guy and his umbrella (yeah, yeah, it's a flag. But it would be cuter if it was an umbrella, right?)
And here we were! At the Gryphon Tea Room!
So. Incredibly. Beautiful.
We ordered the Afternoon Tea even if it was not afternoon yet.
And fancy lemonade! Look how happy I was!
The bill came in an old book. This place used to be an apothecary back in the day. And then it was a book store.
And now it's a tea room.
After that delicious breakfast we went to get some coffee. We passed a pumpkin display.
And then we found a bench to sit on for a couple of hours. People watching, talking about everything we've seen and done during the weekend, and imagining what it would be like if we lived in Savannah.
I would love to live there if it weren't for the extremely warm and humid summers. Savannah reminded me of the town Lund in Sweden where I used to live between 2003 and 2007. A cute, small student town, with lots of history and interesting spots.
Yeah, I hope I get to see more of Savannah in the future.
And that was all from our weekend in Savannah, Georgia.
Last weekend David and I were invited to Savannah Film Festival to take part in a panel after a screening of Lights Out. We came to Savannah very late on Friday and stayed until Monday so we had the entire weekend to experience the town. We were both very excited to be there!
I brought my camera and took so many photos of this beautiful place. I kinda fell in love with Savannah and want to live there now...
Anyways! Let's take a look at our Saturday and the start of Sunday, shall we?
Because of the time difference we missed the hotel breakfast due to sleeping. No problem! Savannah had so many awesome breakfast places that we wanted to try out so we set out for one of them, located just a couple minutes walk from the hotel.
Goose Feathers! Here you can see David looking confused as a waiter came and gestured to me that he wanted to take my camera. He wanted to take a photo of us, but David for some reason thought he wanted to steal my camera and asked nicely first.
The photos strangers take with your camera, ey? Out of focus, and the strangest compositions. It's like he couldn't fit anything in the frame. I think it's perfect anyways!
He also told us the story of how he was on his way to live in LA, 20 years ago, but he stopped in Savannah to visit an uncle and then he fell in love with the town and never made it to LA. He still hasn't been there. Love stories like that! And I TOTALLY get him. Savannah is so beautiful!
We saw dressed up dogs everywhere, and after maybe the seventh dog in costume walked by us we figured this might be more than a coincidence. A sign informed us that it was "Wagoween" in Savannah and all the shops gave out treats for dressed up dogs. Doggie Halloween!!! SO much awesomeness!
A fireman and a pilot!
An astronaut!
Supergirl and Superman!
And then David met the strangest dog. A pig! You can see his photo
I was in Dream House Heaven. I think I said "I want this house" for every other building we walked by.
I mean. This might be my favorite.
Or THIS!! Look at that light!
The weather was just perfect. A bit crisp, but still fairly warm. Fresh air and beautiful slanted sun rays through trees. LOVE LOVE LOVE!
After walking around a couple of hours we went to Leopold´s for ice cream. The girl behind the counter was a fan of ours, and said she and her mother was going to the Lights Out screening on Sunday. It makes us so happy and surprised when people recognize us.
We took our ice-cream and walked to one of Savannah´s 22 squares, and sat down on a bench for some people watching.
With the ice-cream long gone, we continued our exploring of Savannah.
Most magical street crossing I've ever seen.
Spanish moss. Love Spanish moss.
Creates the most moody atmosphere.
Always a fan of rough back alley aesthetics.
Then we found the Forsyth Park.
Very grand.
After this we walked back to our hotel room to rest for an hour or so.
And then evening came! And we had made reservations at a restaurant. So we walked there (oh, how lovely it is to be able to walk places in a town! Stupid LA with all the traffic and crazy distances).
David was handsome.
I had a glass of wine.
After a delicious dinner at
B Matthew´s Eatery we took the route down to the river on our way back to the hotel.
We stayed at the beautiful Marshall House.
And then it was a new day! We were on our way to a waffle café that I had read about online.
Love this clump of buildings and angles.
Walked through parks with huge trees above our heads....
Passed many cute houses and streets...
...and picturesque horse carriages.
Before we reached...
Such a cute little place!
We both took the Peach Cobbler Waffle. So tasty!
Hej hej!
Husband looking all handsome and cute.
And then we took an Uber to the Bonaventure Cemetery. But that's for another post.
Prepare for photo bonanza.