När jag är oinspirerad finns det en sak som alltid får igång min kreativitet. Att fota detaljer i mitt hem och se dem på ett nytt sätt. Ljusstaken på de översta två bilderna köpte jag på loppisen i söndags och egentligen hade jag bara tänkt hitta en bra plats för den när jag såg kameran i ögonvrån.
Då var kreativitetsflödet redan igång och jag gick till min
fönsterkarm och flyttade runt
sakerna jag har liggande där. Försökte hitta nya kombinationer och la bort nån sak till sidan och la nåt nytt på den uttänkta platsen framför mig. Blev inte nöjd. Tittade på sakerna jag ratat och där låg dem, på ett virkat underlägg, och det var ju så jag ville ha det! Och på silverfatet till vänster låg två glasknoppar och sken i kapp.
Det uttänkta stillebenet blev det inget med, men det gör inget.
When I am uninspired there is one thing that always gets my creativity flowing. To look att the details in my home and photograph them.
The candle holder in the first two photos is a find from the fleamarket I went to last sunday. I was only going to find a place for it in our livingroom when I spotted the camera in the corner of my eye.
And by then the creativity was turned on for sure!
I went to the
window sill in my work room and rearranged
the stuff I have laying there . I put away some things I didn't feel would look good in the still life I wanted to create. Some things got chosen to be a part of it and I tried to put it all together in a beautiful way. I was not satisfied with the result. Something was just not right. I looked at the stuff I had rejected and there they were! All arranged beautifully on a vintage doily. And to the left was the silver plate almost empty but for two glass nobs shining in the sunlight.
The still life I was planning to make did not happen but that doesn't really matter because the feeling of creating something without thinking is sometimes the most rewarding.
Hey there! Lovely blog! Checking your etsy right now :3
Thank you Laura! :-)
Hi, I came over here from Elycia! Lovely blog! Hope you don't mind if I follow you via google reader!:)
Whoops, not possible after all! Facebook it is, then:P
I over your etsy shop and didn't know that you had a blot till Elycia posted it. So I had to say hello. Hope your day is awesome.
Ana: Hi! Thank you, and I'm so happy you want to follow me. :-)
Isn't google reader working for my site? Hmm. Need to check up on that. Thanks for the heads up! (Ok, Now I know! the adress for my rss is lottalosten.com/rss.php so if you search for that you will find me on google reader. :-) )
SaraBeth: Thank you so much! So glad you like my work.