It's been a while since I showed you what's going on in my life during just an ordinary day. I'm planning for a post like that soon, but because I've been so busy lately with the theatre and everything I have almost exclusively taken photos with my iPhone instead of my Nikon. Here's some glimpses into the last couple of months, seen through my phone camera.
Autumn came and the cemetery looked so beautiful on my evening run. I haven't had the time to run for some time now and I really miss it. I need to buy some better running clothes before I get out again though because the weather is getting too cold for my flimsy pants and hoody.
A bit fuzzy, sadly, but I love this photo! I desperately wanted to run through the leaf pile but I thought of the poor person that would have to rake it all up again the day after. I hate being a grown up sometimes. Children don't care about things like that! Or maybe they do. I don't now.
Can you think of a more beautiful place for running in the evenings? I sure can't.
One evening I spotted a spider web on the balcony.
I have edited a LOT of photos lately of my jewelry. The
shop is looking gorgeous with all these new photos!
I bought a Jackalope brooch from the amazing etsy shop
Hungry Designs. Isn't it so beautiful! It looks lovely among my other brooches as well.
The leaves started to look pretty and I spent most of my time outside looking for the brightest most colourful leaves I could find.
One evening the red traffic light painted David's face.
On our rehearsal weekend a couple of weeks ago I brought my lamp and kitchen chairs to the theatre as they were part of the set. Here I am waiting outside for the rest of Teater Esther.
It was a lot of work to get get everything in order but it is such a great feeling to know that we made all of it by ourselves with some help from amazing friends. Up on the ladder is Hanna, and Lisa is the one makeing sure Hanna won't fall down. On the stage behind is our light and sound guy Joel.
One morning I was all out of coffee filters. I had a
Lelaina moment and used some toilet paper instead. For those of you who haven't tried this and wonder about the taste: it works surprisingly well! Especially if you use a non fuzzy toilet paper.
I made approximately 180 cookies for the play's intermission. It's a recipe from my grandmother and it makes the best cookies in the world. People went crazy for them, one man even went back to the kitchen just before the play was about to start again and knocked on the door because he just "needed more of those cookies"!
I have a post planned to show you more of that, if you're interested.
After opening night and everything felt AMAZING! It is the best feeling in the world when a play you're in is a success. It feels like flying!
Autumn is just perfect clothes weather! This over sized cardigan doesn't get used enough since it's white and only fits the weather a few days a year it seems but I think it's so pretty!
Feeling dramatic in my cape the day after opening night. Still a bit high on life and theatre.
My sister came all the way from Stockholm to see the play. It was nice to get to hug my niece Alfred again who, as you can see, is a penguin.
A selfie in the lounge just before the sunday show.
Intermission. Lovisa explains something really important to us. Lisa listens intently. I love the contrast between Lovisa's colourful clothing and Lisa's more neutral ones.
And this is from yesterday. I have started working on a new pair of shoes. I found a pair of plain white cotton shoes this summer and finally got to work yesterday. Sparkly purple and shimmering pearlescent. They look almost completely metallic today!
Love them so far, and just ordered a gazillion shoelaces on ebay. So excited to see how they turn out!
I'm soon off to work the evening shift but after that I'll be having a week off work and that is going to be just great!
Hope you have a lovely weekend ahead of you.
See you soon!
Hello hello!
Thought it was time to bring back the Wardrobe Classics or
Garderobsklassiker, as I've called it originally.
This time I'm going to tell you all about this wine red velvet jacket that I bought in a vintage shop in Camden, London, maybe 13 years ago.
It was when I lived in a little town called Midhurst for almost a year and cleaned rooms in a very old and cute hotel. Me and my friend Lisa lived and worked together and also went to London to shop a few times. On one of those trips I found this jacket and fell in love.
It's just the perfect shape and shade.

It immediately became a favourite and even though the lining has teared up a lot of times and I've had to fix it in my own, sort of not so pretty way, it's still one of the absolute best jackets in my wardrobe.
It might be in desperate need for a new lining though. And the pockets are simply two large holes. I think there might even be a chestnut lying around in the bottom lining somewhere.... It's part of the jacket now, it lives there.
I love how some things in my wardrobe just keeps on being perfect for my style. No matter how I change what I like some pieces just fit to everything. I think that must be the core of my taste.
This velvet jacket is SO Lotta Losten and it won't ever stop being just that.
SO Lotta Losten.
Today is a foggy and grey day here in Gothenburg.
I'm having a cold but it's getting better I think. Last week I slept almost all thursday and friday and then I already felt more like myself. That was good, because we had intense theatre rehearsals all weekend. 17 hours in two days and it went really really good! Only nine days left now! So exciting!
Have you popped over to my
etsy shop again lately? More and more pieces of jewelry (some completely new pieces too!) is finding their way into the new pretty shop. Don't forget that you get 20% off your purchase with the coupon code NEWANDFANCY, all through october.
See you soon again!
Until then:
This is the best season of the year. I've told you before; I LOVE autumn!
All the clothes I own are suited for autumn which means that I'm only suitably dressed for about three months a year. And that is right NOW, people!
I looked through my phone today and realised that lately I've been wearing a great variety of clothes and colours but still very typically me so lets take a look, shall we? YES!
Purple and yellow and the perfect hat.
The same hat matching my green tights this time. The skirt is probably my most worn piece of clothing right now. It has been for quite some time actually.
The oversized cardigan is turning out to be a real autumn favourite!
One day I longed for lots of colour. Vintage dress bought in a little shop in Santa Monica and the tights are from
We love colors as almost all of my tights.
The cardigan again! And a favourite scarf bought in a stall in Camden when David and I were there 6 years ago.
And then we have the cape. Oh boy, this is going to be my signature piece of clothing during the colder months, thats for sure!
I've been working a lot over the weekend but I hope to blog quite a bit this week. I also got this really great idea for my etsy shop the other day and I've got plenty of work to do with that before I can show you. But SOON hopefully!
And don't forget about my huge Clearance SALE! Pop over to
my shop and snatch your favourites before someone else buys them! SUPER CHEAP! Only a week left now!
I told you about
the cape. It is one fabulous piece of clothing. A vintage nurse cape from 1976 that makes me feel part super hero, part Red Ridinghood.
When David and I bought our new camera we went to the beach to get to know it better. I thought it was a great moment to bring my cape and turn into my super hero persona for the evening.
My Super Hero name? Photo Girl!
(Yeah, I know! This might be the best photo of me in the history of EVER!)
David is fuzzy, but SMILING! I could NOT leave this in the folder all left out and forgotten.
Photo Girl takes pictures of rescue equipment. Not really sure what help that might do to anybody but, yeah!
Photo Girl leaves no angles unphotographed.
David shows off his impressive "Kasta macka"-technique
(Translates to "Throw sandwich" in swedish. WHAT do you call it in english?)
Photo girl took some pictures of feathers and then the adventure was over for the evening and she went home to drink some tea.
You should sell shoes on etsy!
Miss you!
Haha, well I'm not so sure. They have too many errors that maybe only I can see but it still feels like I'm learning. And I don't know if I could handle yet ANOTHER etsy shop. HAHA!