Time for another Two Two Two (with bonus Two Two and Two) because it was just too long ago, right?
Two self portraits of me dancing in the evening sun:
One from an angle making it look Oh so picturesque, and one from another angle featuring a very sceptic cat and the husband being all important talking to Hollywood while I'm dancing merrily.
Two of me wearing my new (to me) vintage red dress:
One with my arms down, and one with my arms up (in a silent "Bring on the party invitations-pose")
Two particularly tasty meals.
One breakfast at Tjörn island, and one "lunch" at the all you can eat cookie buffet Café Annorlunda.
Two from the harbour fest in the little fishing village Vik:
One of David and me watching the party in full swing, and one just before dark when the harbour looked almost like a painting.
Two of the spectacular view of Stenshuvud:
One before the sunset, and one during the sunset.
Two self portraits wearing all thrifted clothing:
One in a black shirt thrifted in Copenhagen and a skirt with buttons all the way from the floor to the waist, and one in a 90's coral H&M dress (that might have been made for a less busty lady than me, but hey! I dont care! I'm making bulging buttons a thing this season, remember where you read it first, everybody!) (Oh, and Bulging Buttons is definitely going to be the name of my future feminist punk rock band. Anyone who wants to join?)
So, I've been a no show here for the last week. Sorry for that! But I had to cuddle with Astor the Cat, smell the ocean, play yatzee with my parents, eat all the cookies, buy every vintage dress and walk hand in hand with David in gorgeous settings.
I'm back now though!
So talk to you soon again, and until then:
Time for a Two Two Two (+ bonus Two Two because I'm the worst at limiting myself).
Two of extreme green:
One from a walk into town through a lovely green park, and one from an evening run over the cemetery when it was finally raining after a few days of complete headache infusing heat wave.
Two things I ate:
One home made noodle soup that tasted a little bit like heaven, and one slice of cake eaten at work a saturday while the half marathon Göteborgsvarvet was going on right below the balcony.
Two of me wearing the same vintage dress while doing the same very relaxed pose.
One with mustard yellow socks and sunglasses and one without the mustard yellow socks and sunglasses. It's all in the details, folks.
Two still life photos with my grandmothers old scarf as background:
One with a very fragile leaf, and one with one of the Leaf pendants from my new collection.
Two pictures of parts of my forever growing vintage porcelain collection:
One of the kitchen cabinet with all my many teacups and one of the shelves containing some of my teapots. Yes, SOME. I'm clearly a tea pot addict.
Two of me on my way to vote.
One of me sniffing the rhododendron and one with a smile as wide as my face.
Like most of you probably now, yesterday was the big election for the European Parliament. As a very proud and loud feminist I was so happy to see that the wonderful feminist party
F! got seats in the parliament but at the same time there's such a wave of sadness and fear because of the many racist- and nazi parties that also made their way into EU. I just can't understand how it all seems to happen again, that these hateful, ignorant and extremely stupid people get so many votes. Haven't we learned from the past? Are people really this stupid?
I hope what we see now is the last kick and that it will turn soon because we need more love, equality and acceptance in this world, not more hate, closed mindedness and bigotry.
Well, that was all from me today. I hope to blog soon again because a week inbetween posts is just not okay, right?
On wednesday David and I went for a walk into town. It felt like it was ages ago that I brought my camera with me for a day like this so it was about time, right?
We walked through the cemetery Stampen, as we almost always do. It's nice to see the changes of the season. This might be the most sad look of the year; lots of branches on the ground and just a gloomy feel all over. I did get this dramatic photo though.
Hello hello!
It smelled like spring outside and I wore a lighter coat, one of my favourite vintage finds (Yeah, yeah, all my coats are "favourite vintage finds", I know... I can't help that Im so good at finding them!).
Close up of chapped lips and a stray white eyebrow blowing in the wind.
Or, you know, just a photo of my face.
Mossy sign.
Moss and copper are the most beautiful textures in the world, in my opinion.
View from Drottningbron (Queen's bridge). You see the mountain in the back? We live below that and a little bit to the left.
Then we arrived at our goal for the day! The coffee place at Antikhallarna! Their Cardemom cake is simply amazing.
Nom nom.
Beautiful, beardy husband. I love his beard so much! David is scared I might have developed a beard fetish or something. Ha! Maybe?
Hello again from behind the coffee cup.
By the way, I'm a very picky cup person. I prefer some cups before others and I absolutely think the taste is different when I drink from a "bad" cup. This one though: Perfection.
Round, soft shapes, nice glace and good size.
So now you know.
I had brought with me a tin box...
... with my
Antikhallarna is the perfect place to find new strangers and I actually did find five new photographs with beautiful and/or weird strangers on them. I might show you soon.
On our way home. We were cold and tired and took the tram. The light in the cart was beautiful and I couldn't resist taking photos.
Sneaky photo of David's phone screen... Sadly he's not reading anything interesting.
David is tired and needs to hold his eyes open to stay awake. Or he's trying to scare me. Who knows, really?
We went to the grocery store and I found the most beautiful pomegranate ever. Look at that deep red colour!
At home again. Just admiring that pomegranate for a while.
Jewelry making thingies.
I had a big jewelry order to get done so I placed myself in the sofa and started working with lot's of tea and something very interesting on teve by the looks of it. I think I was watching Late late show with Craig Ferguson (because I love him!) and it's a good show to watch at the same time as making jewelry. The worst ones to watch while jewelry making is detective shows or thrillers. It's just so hard to follow along in all the twists and turns in the plot when I also need to focus on the twists and turns of the copper wire in my hands!
Apparently it was funny...
Not a very good posture maybe but this is how I'm working most of the time. Until my legs fall asleep.
And that's all that happened that day!
Yesterday I sorted through and cleared out clothes that I don't use anymore and today I went to the charity shop Ungdomshjälpen (Youth aid) close to where I live and gave them a huge bag of clothes. It feels so good because it's been a long time coming.
I was in a spring cleaning fever yesterday and even emptied the kitchen cupboards of old food (some with the expiration date way back in 2010!). Why is there a word for cleaning when spring is arriving and WHY do I get the urge to do just that!? I feel like I've fallen for some sort of spring cleaning trap.
Kind of a good trap, though, so maybe I shouldn't complain...
Hope you're having a fantastic weeekend.
Hello hello!
I've got myself a nice addiction. A Flower crown making addiction.
It all started when I made the flower crown for
the wedding. I realised that it wouldn't be the end of my crown making days and this week turned out to be proof of that.
I sat down on monday evening with a large cup of tea and lots of fabric flowers and glued away.
And a few hours later I had this in my hands.
Tadaa! Not really suitable for work days but I had a special occasion in the close future in my mind.
The day after though.
That day I made this Frida Kahlo inspired crown. It wasn't really supposed to be this big, it just sort of happened. I have no occasion for this yet. Hm. Might need to plan something...
On thursday it was was my birthday! And the flower crown sat nicely on my head while I peeled apples for an insanely tasty apple pie. Had some friends over in the evening and rocked my flower crown until bed time.
And then yesterday. My birthday present from my parents was a trip to four big fleamarkets to shop away. This is like my dream come true. I found so many great things! Clothes, a teapot and SO MANY FABRIC FLOWERS I CAN MAKE FLOWER CROWNS FOR EVER!
You have NOT seen the end of my flower crown making days yet...