Last week David and I filmed a short horror film to submit to the Who's there Film Challenge.
Today it's up on
youtube so I thought I'd show it to you.
Hope you like it, and that it scares you a bit too!
Today David and I are celebrating New Years one day early because I'm working all night tomorrow. We are going all in with fancy food, dessert and toasting at midnight. I hope we confuse our neighbours tonight by shouting HAPPY NEW YEAR to eachother and
Ooooh:ing and
Aaaah:ing while we're pretending to see beautiful fireworks from our balcony.
So with this I wish all of you a Happy New Year! I'll be back soon with a Look Back at 2013 and also a post about my christmas with photos that should melt your hearts with cuteness.
Until then: Tjingeling!
Hello Hello Hello HELLO!
So I've been away from here for FOREVER it seems, but now I'm back -with photos!
Last thursday was opening night for the play SÃ¥rskorpor with my theatre group
Teater Esther. We had shows on thursday, saturday and sunday and all of them were sold out! Such a great great feeling!
It was a fantastic few days and I can't believe it's already over.
David came to our Dress Rehearsal and filmed it so I might show you a few clips another time but he also came to one of our rehearsal days just to take photos.
I have been thinking of showing you these for a while but it just felt wrong to let you see them before people had even gotten to see the play.
So I waited.
But now, NOW I can show you!
Matilda making sure the amplifier is working as it should.
Some hugging it out before the dress rehearsal and me fastening the mic on Matilda's cheek.
Lovisa as Max, Hanna as Timo and me as Doris. In this play every actor had several roles each.
Timo and the excentric Virve getting to know eachother.
Matilda singing about the sad and lonely Isa, played by Lisa.
Doris wants to get into Joda's pants.
Lisa's other role Rolle is angry with everybody.
Joda all sad and lonely after Doris had her way with him.
We ate a lot of hotdogs in this play...
Sometimes you're just so frustrated you need to lie down on the ground and scream.
Lovisa as Dante on a date with Agneta, my other role in this play.
And the measuring tape had a small role as well. Here handled by Robert as the character Ylle.
Rolle and his friend.
Sometimes it's hard for people to meet. Sometimes it's even harder for people to want the same thing.
Hard to find a perfect fit for you.
And sometimes what you think you need isn't what you really need.
This play is a weird, fun, tragic, sweet story about friendship and love.
I know these pictures might seem really cryptic to most of you but I am so very proud of what we in Teater Esther have made and it was such a success that I just wanted to show them to you anyway. And hopefully you can see how fun we had.
We've been working on this for such a long time and it feels so strange that it's over now. We are talking about maybe putting on extra shows but we don't know anything yet, it's all about finding time you know.
I've been so tired these last couple of days and filled with a combination of complete joy over what we accomplished and sadness that it's over.
It's a weird, weird feeling, I tell you.
Autumn has been going on outside the theatre and it's been a wonderful beautiful colourful autumn this year. I feel like I've missed it because my camera isn't filled with red and yellow leaves!
I have a few things planned to change that soon though. Hopefully the last leaves stay vibrant a couple of days more so I can capure them before they leave for this season.
I've missed blogging so I hope to get back to it in the coming weeks. I have so much I want to blog about!
Oh! And don't forget! Use coupon code NEWANDFANCY to get 20% off your order in my shop! All through october, so only a few days left now!
Photo by David Sandberg. Can you see both of me?
Hej hej!
Today I wanted to show you something that's been taking up a lot of my time lately. As you probably know I'm part of a theatre group called Teater Esther. We were formed two years ago and gave our first play,
Människor i solen, last october.
Now it's time for our second play. This year we have been rehearsing a play called SÃ¥rskorpor (Translates to Scabs, as in healing wounds) written by the playwright Maria Blom. It's a fun, sad, music filled, weird show about friendship where all the actors play more than one role each.
The opening night is october 17 so only one month to go now!
I will definitely tell you more about this later but for now you will have to make do with a picture of me as Doris and Agneta, the two ladies I will be playing.
Photo by David Sandberg.
And here's some info in swedish for people who wants to come and see us!
Teater Esther ger SÃ¥rskorpor av Maria Blom.
17 oktober kl 19
19 oktober kl 17
20 oktober kl 17
Biljettpris: 100:-
Adress: Fängelsets kulturhus, Kålltorpsgatan 3, Göteborg (närmsta spårvagnshållplats Stockholmsgatan, linje 1 eller 3)
Boka genom att maila till:
Ange vilket datum du vill gå och hur många biljetter du vill ha. Biljetterna betalas på plats.
Vem var det egentligen som kom på att man skulle bygga såna här konstiga hus där man bor över och under varandra utan att man faktiskt träffas? Om dom tänkte att man skulle träffas för att man bor så nära varandra så kan man verkligen påstå att de misslyckats.
En korvförsäljare kommer till kvarteret och som en skänk från ovan börjar relationer växa fram vid den nya samlingsplatsen och i husen runt omkring. Människor som blivit sårade, som isolerat sig och som haft så mycket framgång att de tappat bort sig själva börjar plötsligt mötas. Kanske har korvförsäljaren ett finger med i spelet.
Sårskorpor är en musikalisk, dansant, ombytlig, surfande och korvpropagerande komedi med tragiska undertoner. En kärleksförklaring till vänskapen och en hyllning till det mod som krävs för att faktiskt mötas.
KOMSI KOMSI! Jag lovar att det blir en toppenföreställning!