This week we are filming
David's short film Wallace.
I've been helping out behind the camera and as an acting coach. Yesterday we rehearsed indoors all day and today was our first day of filming.
The weather was super hot and sunny and we made it through the day with sunscreen, lots of refreshing drinks and hard work. It's been so much fun and we've only just begun! The kids acting in this movie are such a fun group and they have made friends with eachother in no time at all.
Here's three behind the scenes photos from today. More will come later in the week, probably.
The essence of summer.
David preparing and looking all focused.
Claes, The film's producer, waiting by the microfone. Soon time to start filming the first scene of the day.
Tomorrow we're returning to
Papyrus for a day of filming there. And I'm bringing my jewelry and my friend and model
Hanna .
It's going to be so exciting!
As most of you probably know by now I'm a big fan of cemeteries. I just really like the dramatic mood and the calm combined with the pretty flowers and trees. Lately I've taken up running in the evenings. For those of you who've known me forever this might seem odd and not like me at all, and yes, I thought so too.
When I was younger I danced a lot and went to aerobic classes several times a week. I absolutely love to move to music and that's what aerobic was all about for me. I went to step aerobic classes but my knees really didn't like that and it eventually gave me some kind of sports injury that made it impossible to work out. I changed to a more low impact aerobic class and it turned out fine. But I think I got scared of hurting my knees again so since then I've stayed away from everything that's too bouncy and jumpy. I love to take really fast walks so that's sort of been my workout through the years.
But that feeling of wanting to move to music didn't get satisfied and I found myself starting to long for running. I have NEVER run before. Like never ever. It was such an alien thought that it actually took a couple of years of convincing myself before I dared to try it. My body doesn't know how to run so I started out extremely slow because I did NOT want to hurt my knees again.
As well as being a bit terrified of hurting myself I was also very self conscious about how I looked when I was running. I couldn't let go of the feeling that everybody looked at me and judged my technique, my loud breathing or my pace. I chose the cemetery both because I love the surroundings and also because I knew I could be sort of hidden from weird looks. Yes, there is other people there but not as many and not as evil looking, haha.
I still walk more than I run but I'm definitely getting there. And I'm not as scared anymore. The most amazing thing to me is that I still, after almost two months, think it's wonderful. I've made a playlist on spotify called
Jag springer, jag springer (I'm running, I'm running) with music perfect for either walking super fast or running and some of the songs fit my pace so perfectly I sometimes smile widely and mime along to the lyrics. I also really love to see how the cemetery changes from spring to summer. Every time I'm there I stop to snap a photo or two and here is the result. All of them taken with a sweaty iPhone and a somewhat shaky hand.

Right outside my house the sun is setting below my neighbourhood beech tree.
The grave chamber of the Keiller family hiding in dusk one spring evening.
Ah, Magnolia you pretty flower!
Popping out.
Everywhere there's hidden stairs and pathways.
I have started to love rhododendron this spring. Has it been an especially rhododendron friendly season this year or why do they seem to pop up everywhere lately when I haven't really noticed them before?
Sun through tree branches will always make me stop and sigh.
And snap a photo.
The city on the other side.
When the sun sets it paints the graves in the most amazing light and makes this cross look like it's on fire.
Perfectly situated house.
Rainy and grey is pretty too.
The Keiller family sure thought they were important people...
On my way home I pass these fighting dudes. I think it's such an hilarious statue and for some reason I think the weather and the light makes it look different every day.
And I'll end this post with a picture of me coming home from the worst rainfall ever. I had just passed through the gates to the cemetery when it started to rain but I said to myself it probably wouldn't be so bad. Well, yeah. It poured down the entire time and after ten minutes I was completely soaked and decided I couldn't get any wetter. I turned my face up and smiled to the rain and the music in my ears took off at the same time as the rain. It was actually lovely.
Hi, hello, hej, hallå!
I transfered a bunch of photos from my phone to my laptop and realised it was a while since I showed you the randomness that is my life through a phone camera.
We take it in chronological order with the first one from about a month ago. So here we go!

This is one of my all time favourite iphone photos. It's taken in the public bathroom at the City management office (Stadsledningskontoret, I have no idea if this is the right translation but google tells me so, so okay!)
It is a quite boring house with a grey/brown 70's office feel to it but when you step into the ladies room you get a flower power explosion out of this world. I almost forgot I had to pee, I was so overwhelmed. Forget me not flower tiles all over the place!
I showed one of my male colleagues who went straight to the mens room to see if they had the same flowery decor but he came out extremely disappointed. The mensroom had striped tiles. Boring stripes, not the happy joyful kind of stripes.
I feel sad for the men at the City management office.

A month ago the leaves apparently had yet to show their pretty faces. I looked like this in vintage skirt, spring jacket and newly washed hair (I never ever use a blowdryer. I'm lazy. And I don't know how to use it without getting extremely frizzy hair. And the one I have is inherited from my grandmother and I can probably blow harder with my mouth (yeah, yeah insert rude, sexy jokes here)).
I bought some vintage studio portraits that I have yet to show you.
Spring came and the summer came the day after. The flower stands at my neighbourhood market place Olskrokstorget looks pretty in the sunshine.
I found my summer skirts in the back of my wardrobe but since my thighs hate to meet each other I'm wearing tights all year round.
The cheeky smile is here to stay.
One day I realised my hair is as long as my arms.
I was in Scotland, as you probably know.
I tagged along when Jennie had sewing classes and here she is in her wonderful studio instructing one of her students.
Welcoming bathroom.
The toilet roll "holder" was even fancy at this place...
I went to Pollok Park and took lots of self portraits in this amazingly green parkway in the middle of the forrest. See my post from Pollok Park
Dancing by myself.
This beautiful path called on me but the ground was extremely muddy so I had to turn around.
Behind Jennie's studio there is a secret garden.
When I came home to Sweden again David had brought home our new coffee table. We found it at a fleamarket the saturday before I went to Scotland and we had to wait until the week after to bring it home. You can actually widen AND raise it into a kitchen table. Clever mid-century designers. It looks so good in our livingroom!
I found a dress on a fleamarket that makes me look like a naughty farmer's daughter. I love it and plan to go for this look the entire summer. Bring on the hay bales and flower crowns!
Went for a more sensible look the day after. Still the "naughty dress" but accompanied with, well, more clothes.
Had a friend over for fruit sallad and (three pots of) tea.
Relaxed on the balcony after my evening run. I am not good with flowers but I think that two surviving plants out of three is a quite okay result. Right?
The morning sun is just lovely in our kitchen window.
Summer is here and has turned our front yard into a jungle.
I keep overdressing because I refuse to acknowledge the warm weather. I tend to fill my bags with clothing during the day as I realise I don't need the jacket, or the cardigan, or the scarf...
Us in the elevator. Today it's 74 days until we get married, by the way.
My handsome David. This is from the day in the blog post beneath this one.
Hello there!
On sunday I woke up with hair like this. I'll tell you this is not the normal state of my hair straight out of bed. It's usually more troll than princess so I took it as a sign for a good day ahead.
We had a day of casting for David's short film Wallace. Four teenage girls came to audition for one of the roles and as I told you in my last post I got to play the class bully who gets slapped in the face. Each girl did the scene at least three times. So I got slapped in the face at least 12 times.
My face was all red and tingly!
In two weeks I get to do it all over again...
David bought a new camera lens recently that he needs for his film camera but it works on my Nikon as well so on friday when we went for a walk into town I decided to try it out. It has a VERY wide angle and I knew it would be totally different from the lenses I'm used to and I was excited to see the result.
It is really great for taking pictures inside houses where you want to see a lot in one photo but it is not really suited for everyday use. You will see why soon.
David has a really long arm...
This is such a perfect situation for this lens. I managed to get the entire view in one photo which is impossible with my other lenses (love the guy on the moped, by the way).
It was a really lovely day, as you can see.
We walked through the cemetery Stampen where the sun wiggled it's way between the leaves.
This was kind of interesting as well. I love to take photos of parkways but often find that I can't fit enough of it in one photo. This lens gave me a kind of fish eye feel to it as it stretches out a bit in the edges.
Hello Gothenburg! I love this view. Always take a photo here when I cross this bridge.
This is another one of those spots where I just need to snap a photo.
People were sun bathing on the slopes of the park Trädgårdsföreningen.
We reached the square where we were headed for lunch. Friday afternoon and lots of people had the day off.
Went to
Sense where they have a lovely soup and sallad buffet.
Here it's getting obvious how wide angled this lens is. You can see my legs and I'm not leaning back at all. So weird. So this was what I meant with the lens not being suitable for everyday use. It makes portraits kind of stretched out and it's hard to focus on details when you cant get close to the object you want to photograph.
Lovely lovely lunch! Seafood soup and lots of tasty veggies and things.
Mmm, soup...
Mmmm, tomato...
Want an olive?
We started our walk home again.
Summer has really arrived now. That cloud on the blue sky looks almost unreal.
So I probably won't use this lens too much but I think it's going to be great for some situations. I think it's so fun to do these kinds of photo walks when you're forced to find new ways. If I had brought my usual lens with me I probably would have switched back and forth between them but that wouldn't have been as interesting because this way I really had to see the world in a wider angle (he he).
Today we had auditions for David's short film Wallace. Four teenaged girls had to slap me in my face when I acted as the school bully for the scene they were auditioning. My poor poor face...
It was fun though!
It's a great evening here today and I plan to spend some time outdoors in the setting sun, so bye for now!