David bought a new camera lens recently that he needs for his film camera but it works on my Nikon as well so on friday when we went for a walk into town I decided to try it out. It has a VERY wide angle and I knew it would be totally different from the lenses I'm used to and I was excited to see the result.
It is really great for taking pictures inside houses where you want to see a lot in one photo but it is not really suited for everyday use. You will see why soon.
David has a really long arm...
This is such a perfect situation for this lens. I managed to get the entire view in one photo which is impossible with my other lenses (love the guy on the moped, by the way).
It was a really lovely day, as you can see.
We walked through the cemetery Stampen where the sun wiggled it's way between the leaves.
This was kind of interesting as well. I love to take photos of parkways but often find that I can't fit enough of it in one photo. This lens gave me a kind of fish eye feel to it as it stretches out a bit in the edges.
Hello Gothenburg! I love this view. Always take a photo here when I cross this bridge.
This is another one of those spots where I just need to snap a photo.
People were sun bathing on the slopes of the park Trädgårdsföreningen.
We reached the square where we were headed for lunch. Friday afternoon and lots of people had the day off.
Went to Sense where they have a lovely soup and sallad buffet.
Here it's getting obvious how wide angled this lens is. You can see my legs and I'm not leaning back at all. So weird. So this was what I meant with the lens not being suitable for everyday use. It makes portraits kind of stretched out and it's hard to focus on details when you cant get close to the object you want to photograph.
Lovely lovely lunch! Seafood soup and lots of tasty veggies and things.
Mmm, soup...
Mmmm, tomato...
Want an olive?
We started our walk home again.
Summer has really arrived now. That cloud on the blue sky looks almost unreal.

So I probably won't use this lens too much but I think it's going to be great for some situations. I think it's so fun to do these kinds of photo walks when you're forced to find new ways. If I had brought my usual lens with me I probably would have switched back and forth between them but that wouldn't have been as interesting because this way I really had to see the world in a wider angle (he he).

Today we had auditions for David's short film Wallace. Four teenaged girls had to slap me in my face when I acted as the school bully for the scene they were auditioning. My poor poor face...
It was fun though!
It's a great evening here today and I plan to spend some time outdoors in the setting sun, so bye for now!
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