Hej! Happy Halloween!
So, last week we got this tweet from
Raindance Film Festival asking us to be a part of their 14 second horror film competition.
Earlier people had sent links to us about a 6 seconds horror film competition but we thought that was just way too short to build up some tension. But 14 seconds, hey, that's more than double the time and maybe it would be cool to make something super quick and fun.
So we did!
Such a sad story! The tears are actually real tears of sadness, and the onion I had thought of using to get the tears flowing lay untouched in the kitchen. The rest of the evening I felt all drained. Like I had been crying for real reasons.
David has been on a roll lately creating awesome behind the scenes videos and he even did one for this super short film. You can see it
Earlier in the week David made a video about how he creates the sounds for our films, and I think it is so fun and interesting!
One thing we realised when talking about the sounds he has recorded was that I have taken photos of him on many, many of those occasions. You can see a bunch of them in the video. After it was uploaded I even found a few more. Like this one:
My favourite photos of David recording sounds are the one with the sheep in the video thumbnail and the one where he chases a hen with the microphone. It's just so funny! Sadly I couldn't find the photo where he's interviewing some cows in a meadow so you'll just have to imagine that for yourself.
And a couple of days ago I decided to make
a little video on how to pronounce my name (and how NOT to) since that has turned out to be a real struggle for people outside of Scandinavia.
It is quite hard to blend it into english, so I definitely understand. It just doesn't sound the way it does when speaking in Swedish. David is getting real good at it in his Behind the scenes videos though so I'm thinking it's all about practice.
So let's start practicing, okay! :-)
Oh! And today we found out that Lights Out won the Audience Award in the
RoughCuts short film event. Yay!
That's a good way to start the weekend.
Hope you are having a great Halloween! I am spending the entire weekend with
Teater Esther since it's only one week left until opening night! So exciting!
If you're in the Gothenburg area and plan to come see
Perfect Life AB it is high time to get your tickets. Opening night is almost sold out!
Read more about the shows on the
facebook event.
Talk to you soon!
As you might know I'm part of a theatre group here in Gothenburg called Teater Esther. Today we released the tickets for our new play Perfect Life AB. It's the first time we do a play with an original script written by our director Frida Hartvigsson with ideas from the ensemble.
It centers around a screwed up family but this is one of those plays where you can't reveal a lot about it without giving away too much of the plot. It's dark, it's funny and hopefully the audience will leave with a bunch of thoughts about where our society might be headed in the future.
The poster is made by the amazing David Sandberg, as usual.
And I will be looking this hot in it.
I know most of you reading this blog is from other places than Gothenburg, Sweden, but this is a huge part of my life for the coming month so I wanted to share it with you.
If you happen to be in the area on the 7, 8 and 9 of november here's the
facebook event.
Only a month left now! So exciting!
We are in a creative flow like no other!
Today David and I uploaded a new little horror short, and let me tell you, I am so incredibly proud of this one! We are both in this little film, so you get to see a little bit of David this time too!
It's quite different from our previous films in the
Apartment trilogy but not less scary. Just different.
It's called
Not so fast and it's not even two minutes long.
I think it's awesome, If I may say so myself, and I hope you think so too!
As usual David and I made the movie without any other people involved. That makes for some really interesting behind the scenes clips, so we thought we'd show you exactly how it looked when we filmed this, just the two of us.
This also explains really well how David made all the lights and equipment we used to make this film. Really worth the watch!
I hope you enjoy the fruits of our creative flow!
See you soon.
So we made a new horror short!
This makes the third in our Apartment Trilogy that started off with
Cam Closer, continued with
Lights Out and now wraps up neatly with this one called
As usual David and I made this movie in our apartment late at night.
To add to the heat from the strong lights we used, Sweden has been experiencing a heat wave like no other. Our apartment was scary hot! Matte powder and many breaks of just screaming "IT'S SO BLOODY HOT!! I'M MELTING AWAY" made the evening more or less sufferable.
Oh! And the girl in the photo is played by (the usually very lovely)
Hanna Johansson.
The film is only 3 minutes long so you should watch it now! I hope you like it.
Now I'm off to stuff myself with frozen youghurt.
Until next time: