Hej hej!
So I'm back with the promised Entire Day iPhone post.
I love to take photos with both my Nikon and my iPhone and the biggest difference (besides photo quality and options) is how I edit them afterwards. All photos taken with my Nikon is edited in Adobe Lightroom but my Iphone photos never leave my phone for editing. I'm using the app VSCOCam for all my photos because I think it's the best photo app there is. I actually take my photos with VSCOCam too becuase it has the ability to separate exposure and focus, making it possible to have more control of the light and the focus in the pictures. By the way, I'm not sponsored by VSCOCam, I'm just a little bit in love.
After the photo has been taken I edit it in the app. Sometimes I use the great premade filters but I can also change the light, contrast, and play with the tints of the shadows and highlights and so much more if I want to do that. It is a terrific app!
The cold i had a few weeks ago came back with a vengeance during last weekend and yesterday was a particularly bad day so I didn't have much energy and I slept a lot in between our little adventures. But here is my day anyway!

Woke up around 8 in the morning because I couldnt breathe through my nose. Lay in bed looking at the light coming through the shade. I love the light in this room in the mornings. It makes such a lazy and cozy feeling.
We decided to go in to Simrishamn for breakfast. This is how I looked. Tired and under the weather but quite happy anyway.
Simrishamn in morning light. Love to see the market people getting everything ready for the day.
We always go to a place called Café Kagan, they have a great breakfast buffet!
Breakfast! That bread is to die for.
When we came home I ended up infront of the jigsaw puzzle again.
It actually went quite well this time.
But after a while I fell asleep in the sofa for two hours. I was so tired!
Afternoon snacks! Persimon and plum. And a large cup of tea.
Sat infront of the computer for a while editing the photos that I blogged yesterday.
Time for some fresh air! I decided to leave my Nikon at home and took the analog camera we bought on a fleamarket this summer. And my iPhone, of course!
We went to Vik! This is the fishing village where I spent every summer as a child and up until three years ago. Love this place so much. The house prices there are insane and my family used to rent a house there for a couple of weeks every summer before they got the house we're in now.
David and I try to squeeze in a little trip to Vik everytime we are here becuase it's just so beautiful.
The cliffs have perfect natural steps making it easy to get in and out of the water. If you know where to find them...
The Rose! A famous rock formation that people come from afar to see. Isn't it amazing!?!
It always interests me how some things end up on cliffs and beaches. This large rusty circle thing for an example. Looks kind of nice there anyway.
When we came home we made a very tasty fish soup with canned cocktail tomatoes, celery, potatoes, carrots, three different types of onions, lots of garlic, salmon and cod and a dollop of aioli on top. I just improvised the recipe and it turned out amazing!
You can see for yourself how excited I was.
David was not too keen on being photographed while eating. But I don't care, because I'm mean like that.
After dinner I edited the last bunch of photos and blogged. With the super speedy internet connection here it took a couple of hours. So now you know how much work goes into these posts!
Today has been a slow day. I've been writing a bit, we went on a walk over the hills but otherwise not much happening. Kind of nice, actually. We're going to a restaurant in the evening though so that should be fun.
Hope your weekend will be everything you want it to be.
Yesterday I brought my camera with me all day long to document the day. We are in my parent's house at Österlen in the south of Sweden spending some time writing and relaxing.
Let's see what we were up to yesterday, shall we?
Swedish fil (Sour milk, really good!) with mango, roasted coconut, walnut and flax seeds and a sandwich with tomatoes on it. And a cup of coffee with lots of milk.
And look at that adorable mug!
David and I got it as a wedding gift from David's friends and it's just so spot on it's almost unbelievable. It IS David and me. I love it so much!
Time to get to work. My laptop booted up to what I was doing last night which was edit photos. But now I was going to spend the day writing on a little novella I started on the day before.
I got stuck after a while.
Reeeeaaaally stuck. WHAT TO DOOOOOOO!?!?!
Okay, maybe I can do something with this?
After a few hours we decided to drive to Simrishamn to buy some food. While I was wating for David to be ready to go I took this photo of our garage.
We went to the fish shop. It's near the docks with lots of buildings like this surrounding it.
In the garage for the food store. My beautiful husband mirrored in our new (to us) car.
When we came home we sat down in front of the big jigsaw puzzle that my mother started a while back when they were here. It's one of those very old ones that we collect where every piece is completely different from the other and there is no picture on the front of the box so you have no idea what it is you are trying to make. This puzzle is so incredibly hard! The hardest one we've ever found.
In the late afternoon we went for a walk to the woods. I was dressed according to the season since it's halloween today.
In the middle of nowhere someone has made two of these lion and gargoyle posts. They are standing on each side of a road that leads into the woods. At the end of that road is a castle that looks like it's taken from a fairytale. The owners of that place must be wonderful, creative people!
Me running around in the high grass trying to imitate a bird or something.
Then we entered the woods. Such a magical place.
We left the path to see more of the woods. Beech trees are so beautiful this time of the year.
Hush! Did you hear that sound?
This is me wanting to be a heroine in an Enid Blyton type young adult book.
Found the path again and went towards the pastures.
Hello cows!
All of these colours makes me weak in the knees with joy.
Found some blue, very large, berries. Anybody out there who knows the name of this kind of berry? Are they edible? I didn't try them, I promise!
On our way home we spotted a cloud that looked like a frog.
Time to start preparing the food! David was in charge of cleaning and checking the mussels.
And this was what we made! Mussels in a white whine and cream sauce with lots of garlic and different kinds of onion. And garlic bread of course! SO TASTY I COULD DIE.
I had some coffee after dinner and continued to write on my novella for a few hours.
And then we ended up in the couch listening to a podcast.
A really good day!
Today I have been taking photos all day with my iPhone. I thought it would be fun to do one of these Entire Day posts with my Nikon and one with my Iphone because I use them differently and I like the result of both cameras.
So that post will probably be up here tomorrow if everything goes according to plans.
Happy halloween if you are celebrating that.
It's been a while since I showed you what's going on in my life during just an ordinary day. I'm planning for a post like that soon, but because I've been so busy lately with the theatre and everything I have almost exclusively taken photos with my iPhone instead of my Nikon. Here's some glimpses into the last couple of months, seen through my phone camera.
Autumn came and the cemetery looked so beautiful on my evening run. I haven't had the time to run for some time now and I really miss it. I need to buy some better running clothes before I get out again though because the weather is getting too cold for my flimsy pants and hoody.
A bit fuzzy, sadly, but I love this photo! I desperately wanted to run through the leaf pile but I thought of the poor person that would have to rake it all up again the day after. I hate being a grown up sometimes. Children don't care about things like that! Or maybe they do. I don't now.
Can you think of a more beautiful place for running in the evenings? I sure can't.
One evening I spotted a spider web on the balcony.
I have edited a LOT of photos lately of my jewelry. The
shop is looking gorgeous with all these new photos!
I bought a Jackalope brooch from the amazing etsy shop
Hungry Designs. Isn't it so beautiful! It looks lovely among my other brooches as well.
The leaves started to look pretty and I spent most of my time outside looking for the brightest most colourful leaves I could find.
One evening the red traffic light painted David's face.
On our rehearsal weekend a couple of weeks ago I brought my lamp and kitchen chairs to the theatre as they were part of the set. Here I am waiting outside for the rest of Teater Esther.
It was a lot of work to get get everything in order but it is such a great feeling to know that we made all of it by ourselves with some help from amazing friends. Up on the ladder is Hanna, and Lisa is the one makeing sure Hanna won't fall down. On the stage behind is our light and sound guy Joel.
One morning I was all out of coffee filters. I had a
Lelaina moment and used some toilet paper instead. For those of you who haven't tried this and wonder about the taste: it works surprisingly well! Especially if you use a non fuzzy toilet paper.
I made approximately 180 cookies for the play's intermission. It's a recipe from my grandmother and it makes the best cookies in the world. People went crazy for them, one man even went back to the kitchen just before the play was about to start again and knocked on the door because he just "needed more of those cookies"!
I have a post planned to show you more of that, if you're interested.
After opening night and everything felt AMAZING! It is the best feeling in the world when a play you're in is a success. It feels like flying!
Autumn is just perfect clothes weather! This over sized cardigan doesn't get used enough since it's white and only fits the weather a few days a year it seems but I think it's so pretty!
Feeling dramatic in my cape the day after opening night. Still a bit high on life and theatre.
My sister came all the way from Stockholm to see the play. It was nice to get to hug my niece Alfred again who, as you can see, is a penguin.
A selfie in the lounge just before the sunday show.
Intermission. Lovisa explains something really important to us. Lisa listens intently. I love the contrast between Lovisa's colourful clothing and Lisa's more neutral ones.
And this is from yesterday. I have started working on a new pair of shoes. I found a pair of plain white cotton shoes this summer and finally got to work yesterday. Sparkly purple and shimmering pearlescent. They look almost completely metallic today!
Love them so far, and just ordered a gazillion shoelaces on ebay. So excited to see how they turn out!
I'm soon off to work the evening shift but after that I'll be having a week off work and that is going to be just great!
Hope you have a lovely weekend ahead of you.
See you soon!
I told you about
the cape. It is one fabulous piece of clothing. A vintage nurse cape from 1976 that makes me feel part super hero, part Red Ridinghood.
When David and I bought our new camera we went to the beach to get to know it better. I thought it was a great moment to bring my cape and turn into my super hero persona for the evening.
My Super Hero name? Photo Girl!
(Yeah, I know! This might be the best photo of me in the history of EVER!)
David is fuzzy, but SMILING! I could NOT leave this in the folder all left out and forgotten.
Photo Girl takes pictures of rescue equipment. Not really sure what help that might do to anybody but, yeah!
Photo Girl leaves no angles unphotographed.
David shows off his impressive "Kasta macka"-technique
(Translates to "Throw sandwich" in swedish. WHAT do you call it in english?)
Photo girl took some pictures of feathers and then the adventure was over for the evening and she went home to drink some tea.