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Hello! I'm back with the promised Christmas post!
I have been sick for a few days and haven't left the sofa much so it feels great to be up and energized again.
I took a lot of photos this christmas, mostly of my nephew and niece since they are both adorable and seems to love the camera. When they grow up there are going to be so many photos of them that I can use as bribes and/or extortions. Can't wait!
Well let's get on with it then! Here's my christmas in photos:
David and I didn't have a christmas tree because we always spend our holiday in the town Jönköping where we grew up. My parents always have a very nice tree though so I get to look at that.
My nephew Alfred seems to be all about the working out. If he continues like this he's going to be completely made out of muscles in only a few years. Hope not, I won't be having anything to talk to him about if that happens. I'll be the aunt forcing him to the theatre, concerts and feeding him with cakes to counteract all this fitness madness.
Here he is posing infront of the christmas tree.
Mulled wine and gingerbread cookies at three o'clock when all of Sweden gathers infront of the tv to watch snippets from Disney cartoons. This is such a weird thing. Nobody really cares about it anymore but it's a more important tradition than christmas food so nobody dares question it. Well, no not really, my family hasn't watched it for years now but since there are wild kids in the house now it seemed like a good idea.
Then Santa came! Well, my dad really but don't tell Hilda and Alfred.
Astor the cat got ribbons. Oh, and Hilda turned into Pippi Longstocking.
(By the way, if you look closely you can see that Astor has a big birthmark inside his mouth.)
Hilda Longstocking was excited/happy/a bit scared.
Astor was looking with jealousy and longing at Alfreds ribbon. Or maybe he was just impressed with Alfreds ribbon skills. Who knows.
Pippi-Cat Longstocking with her Mamma Mu book in hand. Why stick to ONE character when you can be all at once?
Oh my. I need to have this photo on my wall.
Photo by David.
Alfred laughing at one of my sublime jokes.
Photo by David.
And this, as you can see, is what happens when you blow air into Alfreds head.
Then Hilda made Kladdkaka.
She had the bowl for herself.
Look. At. That. Face.
Heh, Auntie Lotta is one crazy paparazzi.

So that was my christmas!
Today I will actually get to see these two ragruts again since they are in Gothenburg for the week.
But before that I have one banana cake to bake and some necklace pendants to list in my shop.
Hope you have a nice wednesday, see you again soon!

Since the second part of december was a very busy time for me I didn't have the time to edit all the photos I took when David and I went to Österlen for the first week of the month.
It's such a great feeling to be able to spend time in the house and just write, cook tasty food, go for walks, read and just do nothing. This week it was raining every day except the day before we had to go home. It felt weird to not take long walks every day but at the same time it was so nice to just sit inside and drink tea and talk about ideas or just sit quiet and enjoy the stillness. David had been very busy right up until we went to Österlen so he really needed the rest and I sort of saw it as the calm before the storm since I had so much to do when we returned home again.
These are some of the photos I took during our week there. Most of them from our walk the day before we went back home to Gothenburg again.
Reading something intriguing on my phone while trying to keep warm in a house that hadn't been heated for over a month.
It took me three days to turn on my computer and start to write. I had to let the story swirl around in my brain a while before I could try to transform it into words on the screen. Then it was a lot of staring into the computer in frustration between bursts of total writing frenzy. I write a lot when we're at Österlen but I'm having a hard time to get in the writing mood when we're at home. It just isn't the same and it's like I have a different kind of creative flow in our apartment. I don't make any jewelry at Österlen but at home it's so easy to get ideas for new pieces.
I need to come up with something to force my creativity to start wherever I am. Like some kind of triggers. It would be really interesting if I could think of something like that!
And of course we had to have breakfast at Café Kagan in Simrishamn a couple of times during our stay. It's obligatory.
It's been a mild winter so far.
We had to visit our tree. It's four months now since we got married underneath it.
The view was spectacular as always.
It's necessary to stand in complete awe and look out over the hills for a few minutes.
Husband being all beautiful.
When we stood under the tree we saw another tree from afar that we had to look closer at so we walked down the hill again.
When we got there the tree was as spooky and beautiful as we thought but what impressed us the most was the sky. Look at those clouds!
Down there is Rörum, the village where my family have the house.
And look! Our tree! It looks so very small and cute from afar.
We found our way down the hill again.
And then we met some sheep!
David made a friend.
This one in particular was very interested in what we were doing there.
And then we got spotted by a cat who came over and climbed up on David's shoulder to cuddle.
Then it wanted to try my shoulders as well.
It wanted to stay there forever!
Haha, look how it twirled it's tail around the bun in my hair!
After a while David had to lift away the cat so we could keep walking. It purred and purred and just didn't want to leave. So cute!
The colours are subtle but not less beautiful.

A new year has started and I feel really hopeful and energetic about it. I have even made a list of New Years Resolutions that I can't wait to get working on. I'm not going to show them to you but I can tell you this much: 2014 is going to be the year of being brave in my creativity. I have a tendency to be very good at coming up with great ideas but I'm too scared to not succeed with them and therefore I just let them stack up in the back of my brain. I want to get my ideas done this year because I know they are good and then I shouldn't be scared of making them a reality!

So let's make 2014 a year of creative bravery, shall we?!
Hej hej!
Today I have a post for you that has been lying unedited on my computer since july. I just haven't had the time (or memory) to edit and post it but now, finally, here it is!
David and I found half a bridge one day when we were driving around during one of our visits to Österlen, and we thought "Huh! What was that?!? Was that really half a bridge in the middle of nowhere?!"
So obviously we had to go back and have a look one evening armed with our cameras.
This was before we bought our Nikon D7000 so these photos are taken with my old Nikon D80.
The bridge is situated in a tiny town called Gärsnäs. We parked the car and crossed the train tracks.
The bridge!
We found our way underneath the bridge. The sun was setting and it was almost magical.
I both like and find it sad how the tree had made it all around the metal thingy but still someone came and chopped it down. Seems unnecessary, doesn't it? And kind of evil, sort of Ha! We waited until you thought you made it and then BAM! We killed you!
All of a sudden we heard a sound! We turned around and realised we had company by a cat who seemed to hang out there every day by the way it moved around so familiarly.
I understand how the cat must love this place because it was so beautiful! Like a jungle ruin from another time.
David was eager to get to the part of the bridge where it ends abruptly into nothing.
Sadly we couldn't find any way to get up there. David tried though...
Without success.
The cat had spotted something in the high grass.
Still looking for ways to get up there.
Looking back the way we came.
I took the opportunity to dance among the pillars.
Trying to do something acrobatic and realising I don't know how to so ending up doing this instead.
Aaahh, magical place!
David in the middle.
There in the distance you can see the end of the bridge. It just stops there.
David checking to see if it's open. Of course it wasn't.
Checking another door. It was open. But it was nothing intersting to see in there. I love the light in this photo though. So pretty.
Then I set up the camera to play with the timer. David was patiently waiting for me to prepare all the settings.
Obligatory kissing picture.
And then some goofing around.

Look at David's hand! Haha, so cute!
Then it was time to leave and we went back to the car and spotted the cat one more time. I think he followed us around to see what we were up to.

I really love to go on this kind of photo adventure with David. Taking lots of photos and discover interesting/beautiful/weird/fun places together.
Today it's three months since we got married. These photos were taken almost two months before that and I can't believe how quickly time has been passing. It feels like yesterday!
Last saturday was the second day of november, the month many people complain about being grey and dull. I'm here to prove you wrong, my friends.
November is full of colour and I love the many nuances of purple, orange, brown and green you can find.
So maybe I'm a bit partial because this is my birthday month but I still feel that people are being too mean to november and they just need to have a look around to see how beautiful it can be.
David and I took a walk over the amazing hills in Rörum where we got married. This is a place that is just fantastic all year round.
Lets have a look at one of those 365 gorgeous days.
Wherever we go here we get a nice look at "our" tree where we said I do in august. It's on top of a hill and can be seen from far away.
And the view when looking back from half way up the hill.
Almost there.
David got there first. But only because I was taking photos of him.
Looking out from underneath the tree. This is what I'm talking about: COLOUR! Lots and lots of it! SEE!?!
David: "What?! Are you taking photos of me from above now!?!"

The best shaped valley I've ever seen.
Walking in line.
This is just too cute.
Makes me giggle every time.
Love how these six trees are standing there all grouped together like this. They are best friends.
And look! Our tree again!
Love how the stone wall snakes over the hills.
Moss and grass on a stump. Things like this can keep me happy and occupied for hours, I promise. There's even a rusty nail in the back. And white, whispy rope.
I have a lot of photos of this stump. From many angles. Yes.
Then we met a pretty cow and talked to her for a while before we went back home again.

Today has been a weird day. Nothing special has happened, I've just had a weird feeling all day. And a big red pimple on top of my nose. It hurts. My entire nose hurts. I mean, the skeleton is in pain.
I made the mistake of thinking the pimple was ready to be popped. It was so not ready.
I'm paying for it now, I'll tell you.
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