So time seems to have gone by? I have been neglecting this space lately because it's been the most overwhelming time of my life, and sitting down and writing about it just felt WEIRD because I was in the middle of all of it and had to wait it out a little. You know what I mean? (You can ALWAYS find me on instagram though.) I think this blog will have to be for more sporadic things. The big news or a random thought. These last couple of years I've felt bad for not blogging but I don't really feel that way anymore. So that feels good. This is my home base, that I will always come back to.
ANYWAYS! Here's what's been going on lately!
Lights Out had a sneak first screening at LA Film Festival in June. We really had no idea what to expect but there was a red carpet and a pre party and it was super glamorous. So it was a great rehearsal for the big premiere that was a month and a half away at that time.
We also had a screening at VidCon and it was AWESOME! More than 2000 teenagers screaming their heads off! It was magical, you guys! I was overdressed, as always.
I went to my first ever Hollywood round table reading for a movie. Because I have a small part in Annabelle 2 that David is directing! I actually didn't expect to get any part in it because there are not a lot of characters in the movie that would fit me, but there is one- and I got it! SO HAPPY!!!
We also took our usual evening strolls. Here's David up at the reservoir next to a huge Agave.
We kept furnishing and decorating our apartment. We bought a beautiful Jung Koch Quentell Pull down school chart that I've been drooling after for years.
We were invited to a super fancy party in Malibu. It was us and a a whole bunch of fancy people and celebrities. We are not really party animals, but there was AMAZING sushi (for free!), a beautiful ocean view and it was lots of fun people watching.
David started shooting Annabelle 2 on the Warner Bros studio lot and I got to roam around taking photos of cool set buildings.
And then I broke my rib. A week before the premiere. I just have the best luck.
People were so sweet and helpful, and I even got flowers from the Annabelle 2 crew and that made me so happy!
The weekend after was the Lights Out Press Junket. That was a crazy weekend. We did so many interviews, answering the same questions a million times over, and got to sign Lights Out posters (don't know what happened with them after).
Photo of a monitor with David taking a photo of us. So meta.
And then it was the 19th and the premiere for Lights Out. I got my hair and makeup done by the amazing guiniushair and agostinamakeup. These two are just lovely! You can see my mother in the background and the photo is taken by my dad. Because, yes! They came all the way from Sweden to share this experience with us!
Look! So glamorous! I thought "my first ever movie premiere- let's go full Old Hollywood Glam!" The earrings are made by me, because OF COURSE!
LOVE this photo from the red (well, black) carpet!! My dad took it with his phone and I think it's the absolute best photo from the premiere. We're so cute! And look at all the photographers! I think this was the peak of all the Craziness we've experienced during this entire adventure.
Here's another angle taken by our manager Jeremy (YES! I have representation now too! More on that later).
The dress is vintage and I bought it in Sweden two years ago. I have waited for the perfect occasion to wear it and when it became clear that Lights Out was about to become a movie I decided if there's a premiere I'm going to wear my red dress! It's just the most lovely dress. The purse is from Cherry Pick Vintage and I actually gasped a little when I found it. It's pretty, weird and fun- all in one! That's what I call a PERFECT purse.
My parents were staying in LA for ten days so after the premiere I took it on myself to show them all the places I love in this strange and amazing city. We went to Venice Canals.
And we saw the ocean (and I bought hat).
We went to the Bradbury building.
And the Getty museum.
There was a HUGE brush fire going on in the mountains outside LA wisping up sand into the air creating this mystical effect. The sun turned bright red and the entire sky was orange and post apocalyptic.
On my parent's last evening in LA I took them on a long walk up to the reservoir and over the hills.
After checking out the filmset one last time it was time for my parents to go back to Sweden. But first a photo! It was so lovely having them here during this overwhelming and exciting experience. I am so happy they came here. Now they have seen all the places that mean a lot to me and they know how our place and neighborhood looks and they have shared a little bit of this adventure with us.
And last week our Swedish car got sent to its death. And you might wonder why that is important, but it just felt kind of significant. Bye Soggy, you were loved and we had so many adventures with you. Thank you!
We found a HUGE Lights Out poster to pose infront.
So, now we are on the other side of Lights Out. The movie is going FANTASTIC in theaters everywhere,and it just blows our minds that this even happened. Two years ago we were still in Sweden.
And then last Friday it premiered in Sweden. Getting messages and comments from friends, family and acquaintances has been the most overwhelming part of all of this. And it surprised me so much! I was not prepared for it! I think I thought some of my friends would go see it over the first week and some would not go see it at all because they don't like horror. But you know what? All of them went the first few days! My two best friends who HATE horror movies went the very first night! I was so emotional! And my highschool friends went yesterday and sent me a video of them chanting my name during the credits, waiting for my name to pop up in the list of actors. And when my name appeared they were just screaming! I have been watching that video at least forty times now, crying happy tears. You can see the clip here.
Oh, and about the representation I mentioned earlier! I now have managers and agents! I'm represented by Paradigm and Gotham Group so now this feels even more real for me. This actually led to so much more than just a one time crazy Hollywood experience. I'm believing in myself and I have people behind me, believing in me. This acting dream that I've had my entire life might actually take off! Omg, I'm gonna start crying again soon if I don't stop. It's emotional, you guys!
HEY! Look at this! A new short from David and me! This one is a bit different from the others though. Less horror, more humor. But still very much spooky.
See it in the embedded video below, or follow the links to our youtube or vimeo.
So, I moved from the haunted Lights Out apartment! But what good did that do?
Today Swedish radio station P3 aired an interview with me for their segment about Swedes abroad (Svensken i Världen, Verkligheten i P3). I talked about the amazing journey it has been, and still is, after Lights Out went viral but I also mentioned the not so great experience of having my looks reviewed by men on the internet. If you know Swedish you can listen to it here. It was so much fun to be interviewed about this whole experience and I think it went really well.
And let's take a look at some photos from the two days filming my scenes in Lights Out the other week.
I had a trailer to relax in, just like "real stars". And obviously I had to take silly self portraits to show off my new found Diva status.
Looks familiar?
Being pampered between takes by Hair, Makeup and Wardrobe.
I had a blast filming and really hope this is just the beginning for me. I was quite nervous before shooting because this was the first time I acted in English. It's scary to act in another language than your own, but I think it went well.
This week it's been 38 celsius degrees outside, and that is just way too many celsius degrees for me! On friday we're going to Palm Springs over the weekend (because on monday next week we celebrate our two year wedding anniversary!) and it's supposed to be around 42 celsius degrees there. I'm terrified. I will be staying in the pool the entire weekend, that's for sure!
Hi! SO much has been going on lately. Let's take a peek, shall we?!
It was almost Halloween and that got me in the mood of taking spooky self portraits. Here's three of them:
Vintage Nurse Cape weather on the cemetery at dusk. Scared a few people by walking around the graves looking shady (or trying to find a good tombstone to lay my phone on and take a picture with the self timer).
The Lights Out hallway is a constant source of creativity.
One lazy morning, wearing the dressing gown sewn by my mother out of beautiful vintage lace curtains.
David and I made our horror short Coffer in time for Halloween. Here's a behind the scenes photo showing how David got in character.
And if you want to see how David and I made the film David did a Behind the Scenes video on Coffer. You can find that here.
A november rose at the cemetery.
Opening night for the play "Perfect Life AB" was getting closer and I had lines to learn!
When we emptied the chest before filming Coffer I found some long forgotten treasures in a bag.
My beloved Vintage nurse cape and, if I may say so myself, some Rita Hayworth-y hair!
And this has become a favourite outfit for me. The red vintage hat is really lovely, but since I don't own any black coats it hasn't been used that much. It doesn't really go with any of the colourful coats I own so it has been hanging on the wall, forever waiting. Until I realised I could pair it with my over sized thrifted cardigan and a big scarf! I'm calling it my "Annie Lennox Look". It's getting too cold now though so I might need to find a black coat soon...
One day I got a new phone AND sushi. It was a good day. As you can see.
Hair hair everywhere.
(see! The "Annie Lennox Look" again!) Waiting for the rest of Teater Esther sitting on the pink plastic chair that very much resembles a toilet throne.
Teater Esther (well, some of us: Lisa, Frida and I) hard at work making scenography for our play.
We spent a day and evening making the scene look all pink and beautiful. David was helping with lights and stuff and here he takes a break on stage.
A little later in the evening. Time for Hanna to take a little break in the middle of the stage.
Me peeking though the curtains looking like a very happy and excited red apple.
Testing the cookies I baked in the middle of the night to sell during the play's intermission. The recipes is from my grandmother and it makes the best cookies ever.
Perky and Grumpy in the elevator. Part 2. (To see part 1, click here.)
It was my birthday on november 7. It might be one of my best birthdays this far. Coconut frozen yoghurt, great presents, sushi lunch, opening night of our play (It went AWESOME!) and after that Teater Esther and our friends went to a restaurant to celebrate. Such a lovely lovely day! And don't be fooled by the number of lights in the frozen yoghurt and the childlike happiness in my face; I am now 33 years old.
A pre show selfie in the dressing room.
The colourful life of our neighbours.
My mother and father came to Gothenburg on saturday to see the play. I took the opportunity to trick them into a family selfie in the elevator!
Yesterday there was a rooftop meeting on the house next to ours.
And you know what!? David and I are going to LA for some still very secret, but oh so exciting, stuff! Sorry (not sorry) for the teasing but it just makes me so happy I might burst! Sun and warmth and adventures, here we come!
Talk to you soon again!
Tjingeling! /Lotta
Oh! And it has come to my attention that the link to the little video I made on how to pronounce my name in my last post didn't work. It has now been fixed! You can see the video here if you want too.