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Hello hello and sorry for the silence!
Thought we could take a peek at what's been going on lately. My camera has not been with me so these are all iPhone-photos. Okay, here we go:
It was my birthday on the 7th and on the weekend David and I went to our parents. They live in the same town about 2 hours from Gothenburg.
When we arrived at my parent's house David took a nap in the huge pillow mountain.
One day we woke up in this lovely tower room. Such bliss. I want a room like this one day. In a large tower. Yeah, I can totally see myself living in a castle...
On saturday my best friend had a party because she recently turned 30. It was a Hat Party and I couldn't be happier with the theme! I bought this gorgeous 1960's hat from the etsy shop Nevermore Vintage especially for the occasion and it's definitely a new favourite of mine.
After a few hours. The obligatory bathroom self portrait at the party toilet, of course.
The curls were long gone but the hat still sat perfectly in place.
The weekend also included some cat cuddling. My parent's cat Astor is the largest and cutest around.
Here he's found something edible in the kitchen sink...
When we came back to Gothenburg autumn was almost over. I feel sad, it passed so quickly this year. My favourite season of them all.
I have been making lots of jewelry.
Next week is a big week for me because I'm going to be selling my jewelry and photographs at the christmas fair in Nordstan, the big mall in the centre of Gothenburg. An entire week of meeting many many interesting people and hopefully selling a lot!
One day I felt like dressing extra fancy. I had a meeting with a friend and in the evening I went out for food and drinks with another friend. With my raspberry red beret/hat/thingy on my head all day felt very snazzy.
And that vintage coat. Yeah, it's so amazing!
I have been going crazy with beet roots and brussels sprouts. It's my new thing and I can't see me getting tired of it in the near future. Together with some goat cheese, ruccola and walnuts it is heaven on a plate!
Gothenburg is so grey and rainy now. No leaves left on the trees.
Yesterday I had to stop when I saw the whitest dove ever walking along the canal with his grey friends.
How can he stay so unbelievably white!? Not a single spot on him. I could never do that. Every time I wear white it's like I have to pour some coffee on it the exact moment after I've put it on.
How can the dove keep clean when I can't!?
So unfair.
Maybe not the best weather to walk around town with a bass under your arm...

So, that's a week or so through my phone.
Hope you're having a nice weekend everybody!

I love finding old stuff in my wardobe that I've almost forgot I had!
Like this duffle coat. I got it from a friend of my family who found it in her wardrobe and decided I should have it instead. Such a great decision, in my opinion.
I fell in love with duffles when I saw Dead Poets Society the first time and it was kind of a dream come true when I got my own.
I still want one of those really long duffle coats too, with super large hoods on them, like in the movie. I think those had red fabric on the insides as well. So fancy!

Every autumn I think I need a new coat but then I always seem to find something forgotten in the back of my wardrobe. It's like finding a treasure! And it's very good for my wallet too...
Hi there!
So I've got a lot of new readers the last few days! Hello hello to you all!
It's been kind of crazy to see the follower number on my facebook page go from 200 to 340 in just two days. I have To sew with love to thank for that. If you pop over there you can join the big Fashionista giveaway and win a statment necklace from my Irregular Pieces collection worth $54.

I have been recovering from a nasty cold these last days and have not been far from my couch long parts of the day. I'm feeling a lot better now and hopefully I'll soon be enjoying lots of nice walks in the beautiful atumn we have now.
Well, I had a point with this post, I really did.
A few days ago (before the dreadful cold happened) I went to my job feeling especially fancy. Some days are just good like that, right?
I wore my favourite hunter green hat, the velvet jacket I bought on a fleamarket in London ten years ago, my all time favourite shoes and PANTS! I think I've been wearing pants more these last two months than I have in my entire adult life. But the best part of my look that day was the bag. Have I told you about this bag? When my mom was a little girl, in the 50's, she used to have this as a school bag. When I was a kid I fell in love with it the moment I saw it and I remember how happy I was when my mom told me that I could bring it to school one day. She told me to be careful with it and I promised. It was a very proud moment fo me when I walked on to the school yard with the shiny black bag in my hand.
But I was not like all the kids in my class. With my red hair and freckles I was an easy target for bullying and on top of that I wore things that I thought was pretty but wasn't really fashionable. So the kids at my school laughed at my mothers bag. They said it was ugly and stupid and I really couldn't understan why. It was the prettiest bag I've seen!
When I got home from school that day I looked at the bag and decided that I didn't care what the other kids said. I loved it and I was the one who should be using it so if the stupid kids at my school didn't realise how awesome it was it was their loss.
The next day when I was walking to school I swung the bag extra high and smiled hugely at their faces.
Sometimes I wonder where I found all that strength when I was only 9 years old. Standing up for what I liked. I just didn't understand how all the other children at the school cold have such bad taste.

Today everybody I meet want's my little black shiny school bag. But they can't have it. It's mine.
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I found this skirt on a quite dirty fleamarket this summer. It was hiding in between two lumpy dresses and at first i didn't even see it. But then I noticed the buttons. You know, the buttons go all the way from the ground up to the waist. It's an amazing skirt!
For some reason I haven't used it until I found it again in my wardrobe a few days ago. Now I don't want to wear anything else. Today I have forced myself to have trousers on instead so that I won't get to wear a skirt at all and not long for THE skirt when I'm wearing another one. Yeah, I'm crazy. But I don't want all my other skirts to feel bad!
End of crazy talk.
Let's go out in this grey weather!
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