Hello hello hello!
Time for a Lights Out update because Oh boy things have been happening!
Not only have the film been seen by a crazy amount of people (5.3 million views on our
youtube upload, 8.6 million on
vimeo and with all the uploads from other people we're talking AT LEAST 16 million views in total) it has also been, and is announced to be, screened at a couple of festivals over the world (Lyon, Edinburgh, Salt Lake City, Telluride among others) but last week we also found out that Lights Out won Best Short film at
FANT Bilbao. Such wonderful news!
We were asked to send a Thank you Video for their big closing ceremony and we made a cute little video that I thought you might want to see.
Look how happy we are!
My English sounds quite horrible but I'm blaming it all on giddyness or nerves or the high amount of pollen or an alien invasion or maybe something else entirely.
Hehe, I love the uncoordinated Thank you's in the end. We filmed a couple of more proper ones but this was just too cute to leave out.
That's all for now but I hope you're having at least two things to look forward to this week. It could be the smallest thing, really. I am looking forward to a giant outdoors fleamarket and a picnic. And having the weekend off work. And spring time! And And And...!
Greetings from our mysterious hallway.
Hello hello hello!
Since the last time I posted here internet has gone even more bananas. 4.1 million views of Lights Out on
vimeo and 925 000 views on
It's a weird, weird feeling knowing so many people all over the world have seen me. I really can't grasp it.
One thing that makes this even more surreal (but also wonderful!) are all the reaction videos we've found with people watching Lights out for the first time. Some of my favorites are
this guy who looks completely hooked on what's happening on the screen in front of him,
these two amazing people who really gets into it and
this girl who is the perfect horror movie audience.
If you want to see more Lights Out reaction videos David has compiled a
playlist with all of them.
Today David and I went on the radio talk show PP3 to talk about Lights Out. It was so much fun! If you want to listen to it you can find it
here, we are on from 1 hour and 30 minutes into the programme. You get to hear my voice, not only scared
eep sounds and terrified breathing. It's all in swedish though...
Lights Out has an
imdb-page page now!
And yet another person thought my monster faces needed glasses to seem less scary.
This time: Wonky eyes!
I've noticed that there's a lot more people than usual wandering around lottalosten.com these days. Hi and Welcome!
And because I'm feeling extra happy and excited I thought I'd give you a discount in my
jewelry shop . Just write coupon code LIGHTSOUT during checkout and you'll receive a whopping 20% off your entire purchase! The code is valid all through march.
Every single piece of jewelry in my shop is made by my hands and completely unique.
And to finish off this post with even MORE links here's some places on the
internet where you can find me, outside of this website:
Facebook: hereInstagram: @lottalostenTwitter: @lostenjewelry or for tweets in swedish
Email: lottalosten@gmail.com
And until next time:
So that happened. Yesterday evening we passed one million views of
Lights Out. And it's not slowing down. At all.
Let's celebrate with Comment Bonanza!
People on the internet are funny, crazy, stupid, wonderful and AMAZING. They say the weirdest things.
So let's take a look at some of the best comments I've found so far. I've blurred the names but if you find something here that you wrote and you want me to know and give you credit: Yaay! Say something in the commments below.
If you just want to be my friend: Yaay! Say something in the comments below!
If you hate on me: NAY! DON'T say something in the comments below. This is a cuddly space.
I love this person. Seriously. This is good information. Facts. We need more people like this.
Hey! I explained that
Look! This George dude has got me as his profile pic on facebook!
Someone figured it out.
Another one figured it out.
We're having so much fun with all of this and it's just so crazy and hard to grasp. 1.4 million people have seen Lights out. Some are watching it RIGHT THIS SECOND. And now. And now. And NOW.
I'm off to my other job soon. Time to return to the real world for a few hours.
See you later everybody!
Lights out has been seen more than 848 000 times on vimeo and it has 65 000 views on youtube and the numbers are climbing really fast. This is so amazing!
I've seen a few people on twitter and facebook using my monster face from Lights Out as their profile pic.
That must be the ultimate "famous on the internet" thing, right?
Do you think we can reach 1 million views before the day is over? I'm starting to think so.
Internet is a weird and wonderful place!
Oh, and someone put sunglasses on me to make me seem less scary (and possibly even more goofy)...
You guys are too cute, your english is fine, and CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Also I really wish I could go to that giant outdoors fleamarket.
hahaahah! skitbra gjort.