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Had to show you some of the lovely things I thrifted today!
A small suitcase. Isn't it so pretty!? I don't really need it but how could I say no to it when it sat there on the ground looking all cute? I just couldn't.
A heap of crystals from an old chandelier. I use them in my jewelry as you might know. I used to have loads of them but a while ago I realised that my box was almost empty! Oh no! I was so happy to find these for a really great price.
And the best thing! A teeny tiny dictionary!
So cute!!
Not sure I would call oatmeal porrige a soup though...
I thought it would be cute to take a photo of the translation for Love to show you non swedish speaking people about Kärlek, but when I did I noticed the L in Love was missing! Oh dear, what is Love without the L?
(...And that's a man's name in Sweden.)
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At work yesterday a glass of water caught my eye.
My friend and colleague Emelie with Gothenburg in her shades.
Coffee in my lap.
710 at my feet.
A fairytale forest, or just outside my house?
My shadow on a wall.
Coffee at home with lots of milk, cardemom and cinnamon.
Cage necklace pendant with three different coloured tulle inside.
A man on a motorcycle.
My lovely vintage teapot collection. Not all of it though...
Squinting behind a water cup on one of those warm days last week.
Gothenburg from our theatre rehersal place a.k.a an old classrooom.
It's green outside! Finally!
Walking by the water one of those first amazing days at Eriksberg, Hisingen island.
Yours truly.
Det blir mycket fotande med mobilen nu med ny fin telefon. Dokumenterar det mesta i min vardag och tycker väldigt mycket om snabbheten i det. Här har ni de senaste två veckorna. (Och ni hittar mig som lottalosten om ni vill följa med mig på instagram.)
I'm taking loads of photos with my phone nowadays. I'm documenting my days and really enjoy how fast and simple it is (my last phone took forever to take just one photo).
These are some photos from the last couple of weeks and if you want to follow along on instagram you can find me there as lottalosten.
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Avslutade jobbpass kl 09.00.
Träffade upp David och Helne för lyxfrulle i Linnéstan.
Åkte på loppis och fyndade massa fint (sammetsväska, tekopp "Variant" från Gefle, prickig gräddkanna, afrikanskt bomullstyg, 2 pärlhalsband, sockerskål, lampa, liten skinnförvaringsmojäng, och en gammal handsydd blus som inte syns på bild).
Kände mig glad och nöjd.
Fick huvudvärk.
Ynk ynk ynk.
Sov i soffan.
Gny gny gny.
Kände mig bättre.
Ã…t hoummus.
Och det var den starten på April.
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Häromdagen färgsorterade jag mina te- och kaffekoppar. Sånt viktigt man gör, ni vet.
Ordningen tidigare funkade väl bra den med, men det var ingen annan som begrep den så koppar hamnade på (enligt mig) jättekonstiga ställen.
När jag var klar med omorganiseringen ropade jag på David så han kunde begrunda skönheten och se den slående logiken.
Hans svar på det hela: Fast jag är ju färgblind...
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