Came to San José last week for the filmfestival Cinequest where David's animated short documentary Ladyboy was screened.
We had a couple of days there and had some time to walk around the city in the lovely sun.
This is mostly photos from our second day in San José. I was too jetlagged to remember my camera on the first day.
Hotel window. Photo taken when waiting for the elevator to arrive.
Love that there's a tree popping up from the sidewalk.
San José Fire Department showed up. Look at the lady to the right; does gravitation not work properly on her?
San Pedro Square sign.
Pretty entrance.
Went to a pastry shop called Bijan bakery and café where they had A LOT of pastries from all over the place. Especially european baked goods.
David looks like an old man in this picture. Can't stop laughing when I look at this.
So many pretty cakes!
Made a friend.
Made another friend.
The streets are so wide in this country!
Colourful bunting by the used car lot.
In the evening we went to California Theatre for the award ceremony. This is one beautiful theatre.
The blurry man by the organ was not blurry in real life. He was playing film music, it was really cool.
All the film makers got to come up on stage for the award ceremony. Sadly David's film didn't win but the screenings were really appreciated and people seemed to love "Ladyboy" so that was fun.
After that David and I went for an evening stroll in search for a convenience store that sold real food. Not just chips, candy and junk that seems to be all they sell everywhere. We found one with fruit and vegetables and it felt like heaven!
And then we came back to our hotel and fell asleep by 8 pm and slept badly for eleven hours. Jetlag is a bitch.
Last sunday I went to Malmö to spend a few days there with some friends. We have a tradition of watching the Oscars together every year. Everybody guesses who's going to win what and then we are up the entire night eating cookies, drinking coffee and sees who guessed the best. It was 6.30 in the morning when it was over and we could go to sleep.
This was more or less all that happened on monday.
Jonas and Aili and Rambo.
Tjock-Tove wanted to hang out too.
Aaaah, perfect family photo.
On monday evening I met up with my friend Tofu (Yeah, yeah her name is Tove but not on my blog, here her name is Tofu). We went to a pub called Tröls and had beer and hamburgers. I love the lamps in the ceiling and the whole atmosphere there.
Tofu and I went to the same school once and lived in the same house one of the two years there.
After some talking we realised it's already over ten years ago! Oh, no! We're all grown up now!
Hello Tofu!
No, that's not entirely right...
THIS is Tofu!
On tuesday it was time for me to take the train back to Gothenburg again but before that I had a date with Sambon (Yeah, yeah, her name is Lisa, bla bla bla...) We went to Hollandia and had a shrimp sandwich and talked a lot about drama drama drama, writing, love and everything in between.
At one time me and Sambon lived together. That was in England when the millenium was all fresh and new and we cleaned the rooms at a hotel from the 1400's and had a shower in our room that didn't work but smelled of old cheese instead.
But that's another story.
Sometimes I find photos in my computer that I've chosen to edit but for some reason haven't put here on the blog. Most times they are just left behind and forgotten but some of them wants to be blogged, and who am I to say no then?
So here are twenty random, pretty, weird, funny and even scary photos from the last four months that were too good to end up unblogged and forgotten.
It was autumn but the moss was green like summer.
Mushrooms were found.
Mushrooms are weird and beautiful.
The bark on the trees looked like landscapes from outer space.
When the trees were fiery orange we started to film
a movie at the cemetery.
Hanna could fit in any scary movie. Olle is yet unaware of the evil sitting beside him.
Winter landed on the roofs of Gothenburg.
The city was cold and bright.
One december day I was treated to brunch at Hagabadet with Becka.
I don't think you understand how full I was when we left.
The sunset view from our balcony was nothing short of amazing.
And the one from my job was quite perfect too.
Snuggling feet one lazy sunday morning.
A piece of jewelry in the making.
Meeting with Hanna in her kitchen. We are planning great things together.
Coffee and ideas.
One evening I met up with Becka at a restaurant.
It was a weekday and we were both tired and in some serious need of talking, sipping wine and eating nice food.
Cozy bar lights.
I'll end this post with one hell of a scary photo of Hanna from the first evening of our week of filming at Österlen. Film directors of scary movies: Look! You have your next star!
End of random photo post. For this time.
Woke up to a grey and misty morning, jumped into my clothes, ignored the gigantic tear in my stockings, swept some make up on my face, made my hair into a pretty bun on the top of my head, tied a ribbon underneath, chose some matching pair of earrings, hung the camera around my neck and flew down the stairs only 20 minutes after I've woken up. I'm just cool that way. A ninja with the super power of making myself dolled up in less than half an hour. Aw Yeaaah!
The reason for my morning eagerness? I was having a flea market date with my dear friend Becka, and my purse was filled with coins from the christmas fair that I re-discovered like a long forgotten treasure in a tin box the other day giving me the feeling of being all rich.

First stop was the flea market of Finska Pingstkyrkan (Finnish Pentecostal Church). It is a strange place. Mostly really ugly things but sometimes you'll find great stuff there super cheap.
It always smells horrible there because they serve boiled eggs and herring in the café there every saturday and apparently they're not fans of open windows or air condition...
Hej Kompis! (Hi buddy!)
Here you can see a blurry Becka inspecting a questionable bag while I hide among the coats.
I found a lovely lavender blue dress in a 60's style that I think was made by the previous owner. I love to find hand made stuff when I'm thrifting! It makes the clothes even more special in my opinion.
Becka found three gorgeous teacups that made me super jealous. Not that I need any more teacups, but still...
Next stop was Ungdomshjälpen (Youth help). Every time I walk in there I think that I'm going to buy lots of neat stuff but I NEVER find anything. Don't know why I bother coming back, really. I guess part of the reason is that it's really close to where I live. And the hope that I some day will find something amazing there.
After our little thrifting walk we walked past an impromptu christmas tree cemetery. And Babys legs. Apparently.
Found a cozy corner at the french coffee place.
Becka splitting a salmon sandwitch in two.
Half a salmon sandwitch and half a
semla makes for a truly amazing
fika .
Becka trying to pour coffee gracefully...
...but ending up giggling adorably half a second later.
We sat at the café for almost two hours talking about life, love, work and creativity and didn't say goodbye until we had marked a new date in our calenders.
Such a good way to spend a free saturday morning.