Hello hello and sorry for the silence!
Thought we could take a peek at what's been going on lately. My camera has not been with me so these are all iPhone-photos. Okay, here we go:
It was my birthday on the 7th and on the weekend David and I went to our parents. They live in the same town about 2 hours from Gothenburg.
When we arrived at my parent's house David took a nap in the huge pillow mountain.
One day we woke up in this lovely tower room. Such bliss. I want a room like this one day. In a large tower. Yeah, I can totally see myself living in a castle...
On saturday my best friend had a party because she recently turned 30. It was a Hat Party and I couldn't be happier with the theme! I bought this gorgeous 1960's hat from the etsy shop
Nevermore Vintage especially for the occasion and it's definitely a new favourite of mine.
After a few hours. The obligatory bathroom self portrait at the party toilet, of course.
The curls were long gone but the hat still sat perfectly in place.
The weekend also included some cat cuddling. My parent's cat Astor is the largest and cutest around.
Here he's found something edible in the kitchen sink...
When we came back to Gothenburg autumn was almost over. I feel sad, it passed so quickly this year. My favourite season of them all.
I have been making lots of jewelry.
Next week is a big week for me because I'm going to be selling my jewelry and photographs at the christmas fair in Nordstan, the big mall in the centre of Gothenburg. An entire week of meeting many many interesting people and hopefully selling a lot!
One day I felt like dressing extra fancy. I had a meeting with a friend and in the evening I went out for food and drinks with another friend. With my raspberry red beret/hat/thingy on my head all day felt very snazzy.
And that vintage coat. Yeah, it's so amazing!
I have been going crazy with beet roots and brussels sprouts. It's my new thing and I can't see me getting tired of it in the near future. Together with some goat cheese, ruccola and walnuts it is heaven on a plate!
Gothenburg is so grey and rainy now. No leaves left on the trees.
Yesterday I had to stop when I saw the whitest dove ever walking along the canal with his grey friends.
How can he stay so unbelievably white!? Not a single spot on him. I could never do that. Every time I wear white it's like I have to pour some coffee on it the exact moment after I've put it on.
How can the dove keep clean when I can't!?
So unfair.
Maybe not the best weather to walk around town with a bass under your arm...
So, that's a week or so through my phone.
Hope you're having a nice weekend everybody!
So these days has been quite slow. I've been working at my "real" job and not really having any strength to get going on my own business. I guess it's the summer vacation feel that won't really leave my body.
As I'm slowly getting in to everyday routines again I look at all the photos I took with my phone during my week at Österlen and feel all warm inside.
Have a look with me:
A boat in a pond. Does it get more idyllic?
Hello. Yours truly in a hen house.
I had dinner with Astor the cat. He's got fierce eyes, hasn't he.
They have opened a Crêperie in the little village of Rörum where we live and we of course had to go check it out.
You can see for yourself how tasty it was. Omnomnom.
I had to bring David there when he came to Rörum. Like Astor the cat this dinner date has some fierce eyes...
Hello again, from behind a coffee cup.
Coffee with lots of milk. The only real way to drink coffee, you know.
One day I found wild strawberries, or Smultron as we call them in Sweden. They went straight in to my mouth half a second after this photo was snapped.
Rye in hand (I did not eat this, I promise).
It was very foggy for a few days. This is a parkway in Simrishamn called Suckarnas gång (Aisle of sighs) leading the way to the cemetary. This is also the place for the enormous weekly fleamarket.
I love fog but it gives me head aches. I hate how something as beautiful as this is bad for me. Humidity and I are not best friends, though I sure wish we could be.
Have I told you Österlen is amazing? Österlen is amazing.
Proof of the amazingness of Österlen: We found kittens!
Look at that face!
"Please, please, please can I keep it? I don't have to be allergic..."
You must already know that I'm drawn to capturing stilleben with my camera. This is one of my favourites from the trip.
On our last day it rained almost not stop.
And then in the evening it was that fog again, rolling over the hills.
Did I tell you that I miss this place?
(If you wan't to you can follow me on instagram to see more photos. My name there is lottalosten, as always.)
Hemkommen efter en alldeles strålande jul. Nedan följer ett axplock bilder som visar tydligt och klart hur mysbart det varit.

Astor Katt var jättejätteglad att se mig. Som ni ju ser.

Förlovningsmiddagen var god. Som sjutton.

Jag fotade en massa ljus. Räknade ut att allt som allt har jag tänt exakt 300 ljus för min julkalender. Inte så dåligt, om jag får säga det själv!

Jag var på traditionsenligt julfirande hos Gamla Sambon. Hon är konstant snygg.

Hennes bror Pelle hade köpt en ny tjusig kamera.

Det skrattades en hel del.

Jag har spelat en massa wordfeud med systern. Systerdottern ville också hjälpa till.

Jag har suttit vid vackert dukat bord och ätit julmat.

Fotat Hilda som är söt både med saliv ur munnen...

...och när hon skrattar utan ljud.

Vi har staplat paket på en katt.

David fick nördjulklappar av mig. 3D bilder med Hajen-motiv och tuggummin från 1983. (De var inte goda, tydligen.)

Och en Viewmaster!

Jag hälsade också på bästa Johannan och hunden Tinna som tiggde julgodis på alla sätt och vis.
Idag åkte vi hem. Väldans skönt att vara åter i Olskroken.
Dock är vi fortsatt ilskna på posten som vägrar leverera våra förlovningsringar. Dumma dumma posten.
Här kan man åma sig i en vedkorg (om man är en katt), man kan fotografera gamla hus som har tvätten på tork som förr i tin, fika på café där de har ett plastben hängande i fönstret och så kan man lägga krångliga pussel som enligt texten på lådan ska föreställa "hästarna i hagen".