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The weather today is perfect for my wardrobe. I only own clothes suitable for the autumn months. Not so practical but at least I'm spot on during september to november.
And today apparently.
The cardigan and the brown velvet waistcoat that you could almost see underneath is thrift finds from last sunday and the bag is from Frank & Gertrude and it's one of my absolute favourite bags.
I don't remember where I got this but it was definitely on a fleamarket somewhere (like all of my postcards).
I think it's such a pretty, yet kind of strange, picture. It looks almost like a painting but I believe it's a photo that's been colourized. The blurriness and colours sort of blend together in a mish mash and it really reminds me of how summer in Sweden is like. A million blends of green.
Don't you just want to sit on the bench under that tree and soak it all in? I sure do.
One: These lovely ladies were in my home this evening. We have a theatre group together (with two more lovely persons that couldn't be here today). After some coffee and laughter we worked hard a few hours. Such a great bunch of people!
Two: To enter the kitchen later in the evning and see that my (fabulous) polka dot jacket matches the pitcher on the table which in turn matches the chair. All in perfect harmony.
Sometimes I think my mind creates Still Life everywhere I go.
That's my superpower. Now I need a cool name to go with that superpower...
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Igår fyndade jag två silverfat med fot på loppis.
Jag tänker mig att de kommer göra sig utmärkta som smyckedisplay på marknader. Till exempel på den här fina Londoninspirerade som sker på lördag på Pustervik.
Jag vet, de är skitiga och borde putsas. Borde. Jag är dock inte så säker på att jag vill, för jag råkar gilla hur de ser ut.
On the flea market yesterday I bought two silver plates on stands. I plan on using them as jewelry display when I attend fairs.
I know, they are dirty and distressed and I really should polish them. Should. I'm not so sure I want to though, I happen to like the look of them.
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