I keep thinking about this place. I keep wanting to fill it with photos and thoughts.
But why don't I?
I feel like I'm behind. Behind myself, behind the story, behind whatever it was I wanted to say months ago but didn't.
But I am here now.
And maybe that's all I can do. Start again. Breathe in this space I created so many moons ago. It needs an update, a refresh, a slight overhaul- which makes me think of how I have neglected this place of mine, and then I'm back to not being here again.
So much has happened, and so little.
The collective trauma we've all been through these past few years is starting to really take its toll, isn't it? And the tragedies keep piling onto each other. The new normal is not normal.
I find myself scared of dreaming ahead. Scared of the kind of life we were all leading in the before times. I used to do so much, and feel like I did nothing.
In some ways I think I have landed, in myself. In some ways, I feel like time is running away from me.
I use photography to shape my world. I use these scrambled words to let go of the tangled up roll of yarn in my brain. I use my sunshine colored hula hoop to harvest this energy that would otherwise take up all the space in my body that aren't intestines and blood.

And speaking of photography, I'm all in. All into shooting on film, developing negatives and (yes, even) scanning.
I have so many photos I would like to exist here in this space, but let's start close to the present, okay?
With a roll of black and white from random days, random walks, random life, in March of 2022.
I hope I come back soon with more. This part of me feels neglected and I need to remedy that.
One post at a time.
Camera: Nikon FE2
Film: Kodak 400TX
Developed and scanned by me.