I have few words today.
I remember at university, every time I was writing essays I always felt like I didn't use big enough words, but then every time I got it back I was told I used words so well. The professor even used me as a good example of how to write so that it’s easily understandable while still being proper. I’m not saying this to brag. I’m telling you this because Every Single Time after this when I turned in a paper I thought “THIS time they are going to realize that I’m out of words.†Like I had used up all of them and everybody was going to understand that soon enough.
It never happened though. They kept thinking it was great, and I kept being surprised. After a while (we’re talking years) I had to make friends with the idea that I might actually be good with words.
Now I write in a different language than my own, and that struggle comes back tenfold. I mean, I literally have less words in English than I do in Swedish.
So here I am, sitting at cafe’s writing things every day, hoping that the words will feel like a perfect amount soon.
I know it’s all in my head (I’m a little bit of a word perfectionist) and that it’s me creating the fear. No one else is doing it for me.
The fact that I’m writing this is probably a good sign. I’m telling myself it is.
It’s called imposter syndrome, by the way. “They are going to realize I’m not good at thisâ€. I like the name because Imposter is a big word and I understand that word, and maybe that means I’m not an imposter.
Sometimes I read about successful and famous people struggling with imposter syndrome, and I imagine us being in the same club. Imposters Unite. We could have t-shirts. But nobody would wear them because we would all be thinking “some day they will realize I’m not a real imposterâ€.
Tror sorgligt nog inte att Trump lider av imposter syndrome. Tänk vilken lycka om hans inkompetens avslöjats av alla och envar.
Nä, alla i hela världen (typ) har ju insett för länge sen att han inte kan nåt. De som borde inse sina begränsningar är aldrig de med imposter syndrome, för de är kort och gott inte lämpade för jobbet, medan folk som tror de inte kan är de som kan. Man blir änna snurrig i bollen.