We've finally moved out of the hotel! YAY!
I celebrated by exploring our new neighbourhood by foot with the camera around my neck. I thought you might want to have a look.
But first, here's a photo of David just before we left the hotel room yesterday:
One thing I'm incredibly drawn to is this kind of street with large trees on each side, meeting in the middle.
This was the first one I saw on my walk. But not the best. I'll show you the best soon...
It was a very sunny day today but not too warm. I stopped to take some photos of flowery trees.
And alleyways with electric wires crossing the sky.
And then...
Aaaaaaah! So beautiful!
I hunched down in the middle of the street, when no cars were around, to get all the green loveliness into the picture.
More alleyways. Apparently I'm rather fond of them too.
I also very much like the mountains surrounding on all sides here. It makes me so amazed that this view is everyday for people who live here. How they don't just stop and stare, amazed towards the mountains, at least twenty times a day boggles my mind.
More trees. More mountains.
Those trees, guys! Such fluffy green goodness! I have many photos of fluffy green trees in my camera today.
Some trees get a little fence around them.
The streets in this country are so wide. I think it looks weird, like a movie set. And it kind of makes the streets feel less alive. There's too much space between shops and houses; everything is so spread out that it gets a little cold and impersonal. People here drive wherever they go so the town isn't made for walking around leisurely. I think that's kinda sad.
And then, suddenly, there's a very cute corner!
America. Guns Direct. Ugh.
I hate guns more than anything in the world.
Then there were only auto repair shops left of the street, so I crossed the road and walked back in the other direction instead.
Have a look down a Southern California flowerbed.
And here's a weird looking flower thingy.
Some spooky roots!
And a very American looking doughnut shop. I took this photo to show David, the donut freak, that we have this place in our neighbourhood. One of the first things he said to me this afternoon was "Is there a donut shop?!?" -Yes, David. See, I took a photo for you, hahah!
Another kind of tree lined street that caught my eye.
And then. Oh, then. I found this place!
Bearded Lady Vintage and Oddities. Such a fun and cool shop! I peeked around in there for quite a while because there were just so many interesting things to look at!
The owners directed me towards a couple of other nice shops on the same street, and I realised I have arrived in vintage store mecca. There were vintage shops everywhere! With amazing clothes and things. I could happily spend all the money in the world on this street, I think.
After an hour or so the sun was taking its toll on me and I needed froyo! Felt like such a fool when I couldn't work out how the machines were working and had to ask for help. I just "Erhm, I'm new to this country, HELP?"
Regular, water melon and raspberry froyo. Yummy!
After energy in the form of froyo and free wifi I walked back home again. Through this beautiful parkway.
Even the shadows are different here. Plants that make feather shaped shadows.
STOP! I'm almost home now.
(Look at the flailing human being to the left. Haha, I can't stop laughing, he just looks so silly!)
Walking past the cutest house I've seen all day.
And the mountains again in this photo that I think looks exactly like I imagined American suburbia would look. Including basket ball hoop.
When David was free for the day we went to a laundromat for the first time ever! I had planned to take fun photos but I got a migraine (from too much sunshine, I think) and the photos didn't turn out good at all.
I had to go home and just lie and breathe for a couple of hours before I could think again.
And now I'm back and sitting here blogging! Yay!
Hope you liked following along when I explored our new neighbourhood. I think I already have started to get a hang on the photography issues I mentioned in my last post. And that feels so great, you won't believe!
Talk to you soon, OK?
Lilla vännen, du måste ta det lugnt! Du ska vara over there for months! Allt behöver inte hända idag... Men jag måste säga att jag är nog lite nyfiken på lägenheten... Ha det gott och hälsa din David