A couple of weeks ago David and I went to Österlen for a week. We hadn't been to the house since spring so we were really excited to go!
We had a really nice week together with my parents, and as usual my camera was bursting with photos from this lovely place in the south of Sweden.
One day David had to stay home and work, but the rest of us went on a fleamarket trip.
There's so many fleamarkets/antique shops around Österlen in the summertime so you can just drive aimlessly for a while and you will find at least a couple of new ones you didn't know of before. Yes, it's heaven.
This place was a new find for us this summer. Lots of really cool furniture and stuff!
I bought two lampshades, one orange red and one dark green. I had to drag David to that place the day after as well because I knew he would like it too.
And look at that old slide!
After making some good vintage finds you'll need coffee!
We went to Backagården in Löderup.
David and I had been introduced to this place a couple of days earlier by some friends and I had to show my parents since you can't know of enough lovely coffee places.
Ahhh, what a wonderful place!
The pavlova tasted heavenly.
They had a yawny cat there.
He yawned a lot.
Beautiful place!
If you ever happen to be close to Löderup I recommend you to go to Backagården! Looks really dull and small from the outside but then you walk through a few rooms (it feels almost like I imagine walking through the wardrobe to Narnia) and end up in the wonderful green house and garden.
Couldn't get more summer-y than this, right?
After the coffee and cakes our energy levels were pumped for some more vintage shopping!
My dad looked through the place quickly and found a chair outside to check up on his emails or the latest news. The reception at our house is really bad so you kind of have to take the opportunity when it arrives.
The tiny dog to the right was the scariest little shit I've ever seen. It ran towards me with all it's teeth showing, growling. I have about ten photos of it doing some really weird poses were it's impossible to see how the legs are even connected to the body and, hm, where is the head anyway? Terrifying!
In the evening, when David had finished working, we went to Fridens gårdskrog, a pizzeria in the middle of nowhere. David was super excited! Pizza!
Such a cozy atmosphere.
Good looking husband.
Good looking pizza. Tapenad, brie and smoked chicken. So tasty!
And then some coffee after the food.
Back at the house Astor the cat looked good infront of the books.
One evening we sat in our garden and had a little barbeque.
When the golden hour came I took some photos of my dad with flowers behind his ears. I got this great idea in may of making a little photo book with men with flowers in and around their beards, well, now the internet seems to have exploded with flower beards and I feel kind of bummed out. I still want to go through with it though so I might show you some more photos soon.
David in the light.
The flowers ended up behind my ear as well.
My beautiful mother.
My lovely father.
Looking at birds? Who knows.

I have some more photos from Österlen to show you, of a little evening adventure David and I had. I'll be back with those soon.

Hope your week starts of with a really great monday.
Talk to you soon!

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