The photos in the third roll of film that we had developed were taken during one of our trips to Österlen. We spent a week writing, making and eating lots of soup and taking walks.
As with the photos from our wedding and honeymoon these are not perfect by any technical standards but that's kind of what I like about them. It feels so strange that technology has moved so fast because I was one of those people who used a Point and Shoot kind of film camera long after people started taking digital photos, and it still feels like it was ages ago.
And also, how come it was so easy to get used to the possibilties of taking a gazillion photos without having to think of film rolls and development costs? It already feels so strange and exciting to have to wait to see the photos. I sometimes catch myself looking at the back of the film camera for a display screen showing me what I just shot.
How quickly we get used to the speed of technology!
I love that I've started to fiddle with both the digital and the analog because to me that just feels so right.
Sometimes I want the power in being able to choose from a hundred photos and in that moment having the chance to correct and learn on the spot, but sometimes it's just so nice to take a picture of a time and place I think is worth capturing and storing it in my memory for a while before seeing the result and remembering it all over again.
It doesn't have to be either or, it can be two completely different things satisfying two sides of photography.

Ahhh, favorite season of them all!
Cute husband being all cute.
Hello lonely tree!
The cliffs of Vik were photogenic as always.
And I can't resist the hazy dusk and wind in reed.
Yesterday I brought the film camera when David and I were going in to town. Ten minutes from home I realised I hadn't loaded the camera with a new roll of film so for all of the two hours we spent walking around Gothenburg my camera was just some kind of stupid hipster necklace. Ha! That made me feel so very professional.
The camera is loaded now though, ready for the next analog adventure.