A week ago I was at my parent's summer house in the south of Sweden, a part called Österlen. One of the many (MANY) great things about Österlen is that they have loads of fleamarkets there during the summer season. Some are more organized than others, some are indoors and some are outside. I always bring a lot of new (to me) stuff home and this time was no exception. I'll show you!
Loppis is the swedish word for fleamarket. Loppa means flea so it actually comes from the same idea. Everywhere on Österlen people have their own fleamarkets so when you're out driving you have to pay attention so you don't miss a sign like this one.
In the little village of Gladsax they have an amazing place called Karosserigården. It's very big and SUPER ORGANIZED. The stuff is even arranged by colours! This place is a bit expensive but I love it so much I always have to buy something from there. This time I found a large tea cup, a red hat/fascinator thing and an old postcard.
They have drawers for everything (even odd jigsaw pieces)! And the things that don't really go with anything is in the Pillimojs drawer. Pillimojs is not a real word but it means something like miscellaneous but in a more a childish way.
The drawer for old glass decanter stoppers is one of my personal favourites.
Gammalt och Nytt. Old and New.
Every saturday there's a big outdoors fleamarket in a parkway in the town Simrishamn. When we were there they even had it on a thursday! I can't believe my thrifting luck sometimes!
And to add to my luck I saw that the man with all the old jewelry was there! He inherited an old lady's jewelry shop once and has been selling off all the jewelry that comes from the 1950's and forward. I have been buying from him for a few years but last year he said he had no jewelry boxes left in his storage room. But this day he burst out Oh! You are one lucky girl today! I found some more boxes! I stood behind his table and dug through his boxes and oooh'd and aaaah'd all the time when I found a new gorgeous necklace that I wanted to buy. Because I know him by now he always gives me a nice price and I skip away happily with a plastic bag filled with necklaces for me to take apart and make new ones of.
Look at all the pretty beads I bought!
And then I found this bag. I love it so much!
On saturday it was raining. A lot. It didn't keep people away from thrifting though. It was raincoats everywhere!
It looks so sad, all the wet stuff on the ground.
Some people came prepared, with plastic sheets to cover their things but mostly it was all wet so I really didn't feel like buying anything. I was just taking photos of the wetness.
I'm guessing the electroinic hair equipment didn't do as well as the wine glasses...

Today is a sunny day in Gothenburg and we're walking to the movie theatre to finally see Moonrise Kingdom. I have been looking forward to seeing that for such a long time.

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