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David is filmer and GIF maker. I am lazy, tea drinking person and seethrough ghost.
Hello hello!
December 12 today and as you know, at twelve o'clock every night all the ghosts appear. I seem to have a regular visitor in my home.
David is behind the filming, GIF making and well, yeah, the magic too I suppose. I'm just a fake fairy with a paper and wood wand.
Today is magical!
This kind of needs explaining. In Swedish the word for eleven is Elva and the word for fairy is Älva and they're pronounced the same way, so this is me as an Älva making an Elva.
And I got to use my wedding dress again! Wehej!

(And yes, that is one amazing dressing gown from the 70's.)

David is filmer, stern looks and GIF maker. I am Lip flutterer and a little bit filmer.
The "famous" Losten Lip Flutter.
This skill runs in the family and started with my sister Sara and cousin Emily one lazy summer many many years ago. I will make sure that my niece and nephew will pass on the knowledge to future generations to come.
David is filmer and GIF maker. I am master of blankets and shadows.
It's cold outside, lets make blanket forts and shadow numbers!
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