David did the filming and GIF making and I was chased and spun around in a cloak.
Apparently I can disappear into thin air. And there is something chasing me in my apartment. And my vintage nurse cloak is beyond awesome.
I just came home from my first day at the Christmas fair in the mall Nordstan. It was a great day! I have a really nice spot, nice neighbors and lovely customers.
I'm not going to be there tomorrow because I'm working at my other job but from Wednesday you will find me in Nordstan every day for the rest of this week. Pop by if you are in the area, it would make me very happy!
David took the photos and made the GIF and I made the flowers move.
I'm bringing flowers to the winter today.
I feel so excited about the coming week at the christmas fair! I have lots to do today with ironing table cloths and pack jewelry and make chains for all the necklaces and print price lists and... EVERYTHING!
But before that I'm going to spend a few hours at the cinema watching the new Hobbit movie. I completely hated the first one so I don't really know why I keep going but at least it's two and a half hours of sitting in the dark and holding David's hand. And THAT is very, very nice.
So I built a thing.
As always it started with total frustration.
Next week I will attend the Christmas fair in the mall Nordstan here in Gothenburg. Me and my jewelry will be there all week except Tuesday.
The thing I built will be there with me.
I might need to show it to you soon though because it's so PRETTY and useful and I LOVE IT!
Well, that's enough with the teasers.
I hope your Saturday is everything you want it to be!
Hej! Today it's Lucia here in Sweden. I think everybody in Sweden can relate to this GIF since every school in this country has at least one Lucia procession with lots of stearin dripping into Lucia's hair, on to the gowns and every spot of skin available. And then we have the fainters. That seems to happen to at least one person in every procession because of hypotension from all the standing still, concentrating and breathing in all the warmth from the candles.