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David is filmer, toilet charging person and GIF maker. I am the poor person in need of a pee.
David is a meanie who's charging for toilet access. And it's not cheap either! 20 kronor to go to the toilet!?! No Christmas spirit there, that's for sure!
Today is a Christmas GIF/Daily elevation post two in one!

It's been a great day at the Christmas fair today. Only three days left now. I will be so tired when it's over but quite sad too because it's so much fun!
If you're in Gothenburg make sure to drop by and eat some candy and chat for a while! It's open from 10 in the morning until 7 in the evening tomorrow, Friday, and on Saturday and Sunday it's 10 to 5.
It's a great opportunity to buy those last Christmas gifts as well! The Christmas fair is really good this year, lots of great sellers.

Well well, no more talk, I need food and tea and sofa!

David and I took turns filming, he made the GIF and I made the pretty toilet paper art.
Uh oh! Someones been left unsupervised for a little too long...
David is filmer, GIF maker and annoying poke person. I am the one who just wants to sleep a little longer, please.
Today was my only sleep in this week and it was heaven! I am so bad at early mornings. I'm even worse on going to sleep early in the evenings. I just can't. My natural sleep cycle is something like falling asleep at one in the night (sometimes later) and waking up around 9.30. Everything else is just plain wrong and makes me cranky. Like this. But who wouldn't be cranky with someone poking at you like that?
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