After work yesterday evening David and I went for a little walk in the warm summer evening. We took the route over the cemetery Östra Kyrkogården since it's close to where we live and beyond beautiful at this time of the year.
The rhododendron are on their last breath right now. Like last year I've been completely obsessed with this colorful flower and can't believe I haven't really noticed them before.
I think they are breathtakingly beautiful.
Huh!? What's that hanging from the arm of that statue lady?
A baby hat! Let's fix it.
There! That's much better.
Thombstones and Rhododendron. Such a great book title.
Just standing here all relaxed for a little while...
Here! Have a flower!
D'aaaaw! Isn't he the prettiest of them all? I sure think so.
I think my new favourite thing is to take photos of David with flowers behind his ear/
in his beard.
Rust and peeled off paint; me and my camera can't resist it.
The Chief of Police seems to be crying.
Running! Jumping! Skipping merrily towards my love!
I'm all smiles.
This castle used to be a prison and is now a house for culture in all forms. Me and my friends in the theatre group Teater Esther are rehearsing there every week. Like tonight!
Greeeeeen! This is also where I go for my evening runs. It's the perfect place for running, in my opinion. Beatiful and calm.
On the way home I stopped for a couple of pretty flowers.
Soooo, I'm off to theatre rehearsals now.
See you soon again!
After breakfast on sunday David and I went to a huge fleamarket that occurs on the last sunday of May every year. It takes over an entire part of town and anyone who wants to sell off some of their old stuff just picks an empty spot, anywhere they want, in the big neighbourghood Majorna. It's an amazing fleamarket and every year it gets bigger and bigger. This year was absolutely bonkers. There were so many people in some places that it was impossible to get through and you could forget reaching the tables and seeing the stuff for sale.
Here are six photos from a few of the calmer areas. I really wish I had taken a photo of the worst throng of people but when we were in the middle of all that we just wanted to get away from the crowd. It was very sunny so not very good photo conditions but here are at least some nice glimpses.

Majorna is a part of Gothenburg with lots of hipsters, artists, eco friendly shops and cafés. The fleamarket turns into a huge neighbourhood fest and on every corner there's musicians, artists and people selling home made food and desserts. It's wonderful!
This gorgeous lady looked like she was part of a beautiful painting where she stood a bit away from the crowd playing and people watching.
This hilarious dog stod on its hind legs begging for food for such a long time and it's human just smiled and kept eating.
I bought a white oversized shirt and a royal blue 60's jacket. Usually I buy a lot more on fleamarkets like this but it was just too much people and not enough time so two pieces of clothing was the entire haul of the day. Not too bad though.
Pretty dresses everywhere!
Today I've been working on a photo project for my upcoming jewelry collection and it turned out so good! Can't wait to show you, I think you will like it.
Until next time:
Before this spring has run away from us completely I thought it would be nice to show some glimpses of what I've been up to while enjoying the wonderful season.
Theatre reheasals with Teater Esther usually happens in a very cold house but since we are in the beginning of our new production we could read our play on the grass one beautiful evening. This year we are making our own play for the first time and our director Frida has been the one writing it. This particular evening we read the complete play from start to finish for the very first time and it felt wonderful! This is going to be so much fun!
From left to right. Frida, Matilda and Lisa.
When it was time to say goodbye the sun had set beautifully behind the trees and bushes.
It was one of those evenings when you walk home completely giddy with feelings of anticipation and joy.
At the end of April it was Beckas birthday! She is one of my best friends and we've known eachother for a very long time.
As you can see she got a Lime Leaf necklace pendant from my new Leaf Collection. She's the only one who owns one of these yet so consider this is a little sneak peek of what's to come in my shop soon.
Picnic on the top of the park Redbergsparken with this amazing view was such a perfect way to celebrate a spring birthday.
Improvised table for a wine glass...
The most tasty chocolate mint cake ever.
Last saturday I met up with my sister Sara who was in town over the weekend with her kids Hilda and Alfred. The teddy bear got to ride on Hilda's shoulders when we went to a fleamarket.
Hot dog lunch break after some great fleamarket shopping.
On the tram back into town. Teddy had injured an arm, Hilda comforts him.
And one evening David and I ate thai food at a restaurant that almost made us feel like we surely must have left Sweden for Thailand.
Oh, and a quick reminder that today is the last day to use coupon code SPRINGTIME14 over at
lottalosten.etsy.com for 15% off your entire order! Hop on over and snag yourself something pretty!
Today David and I are going to the theatre to watch the new Godzilla movie. Yesterday I heard so many people say it's utter crap so my expectations are not very high (more like below the lowest of low). But it's always nice to sit in the dark theatre holding hands with David, and the walk to and from the theatre always seem to inspire interesting and fun conversations so I'm at least going to enjoy that.
Hope your thursday is a great one too.
So this is what I've been up to lately.
I've been making jewelry late into the night:
I've taken still life pictures of new jewelry pieces and pretty things:
I've looked in awe at my mango plant that was NOTHING two weeks ago but a fairly large seed in some soil, and now it looks like this! We're talking the long leafed plant in the middle that looks almost exactly like an avocado plant if you happen to know how those look like and thought to yourself "hey that's an avocado plant!" Then I can assure you: it is not. It's a mango that I ate a month ago then relieved the seed from inside the large core, planted it in a pot and watched as nothing happened for about two weeks and then BAM! Everything happened in no time at all! I'm amazed.
I've also been really happy lately that the seed pod I found on the ground in South Africa a couple of years ago turned out to be a Jacaranda tree (if my googling skills are right, which of course they are) and is growing nicely in my kitchen window.
I've been taken self portraits with the TimerCam app again and turned them into black and white dramatic photos:
I've been out running in the evenings and marvelled over our neighbourhood trees as they have been exploding in green leaf loveliness.
I have ventured into japanese recipes and cooked a couple of lovely noodle soups. This is going to be a thing this season in the Losten/Sandberg household, for sure! So tasty!
I've rediscovered my vintage fruit bowl scarf. It's a huge, soft, colourful scarf with fruit all over it. I love it like it was new every single year (I've had it for over ten years now) and it's definitely one of my favourite thrifting finds.
And that was all from me today.
Hope you're having a nice start of the week. I'm all confused about the week days since I've been working all weekend. But that is normal for me, no clue of what day of the week it is.
Monday! Off to theatre rehearsals!
Underbara foton!!!
Apropå rhododendron så var jag i Botaniska trädgården i Göteborg i söndags, efter lördagens Kronan-fest.I Botaniska finns en hel rhododendrondal. Den du!
Tack, Sydafrika!
Far: Oj! Hur kan jag ha missat det? Och nu vet jag inte om jag hinner ta mig dit innan rhododendronen helt har gett upp för året.