Hej hej!
Sometimes good photos end up in a folder on my hard drive without seing the light of blog (he he, see what I did there?) and that just makes me sad. Those moments in time were worth so much to me that I had to take a photo of them but then I just forgot about them afterwards. Kind of silly maybe but as a person who writes a diary every single day it makes perfect sense to me to feel the same way about my photos. They need to be blogged. In february I made my first
What was left behind post for exactly this purpose, to reach back in time and fetch those moments worth remembering.
Today it's time for the memory worthy snippets of life between March and November 2013.

It was Easter and David and I visited our families in Jönköping. David was being interviewed by the local newspaper about his film Ladyboy being featured at the filmfestival Cinequest in California and while he was meeting the reporter I walked around the cemetery right next to the newspaper office and took some photos.
It was cold but sunny and I remember my hands were freezing but I didn't care because it was such a beautiful day and I just wanted to take photos!
The leaves on the trees stayed away for a few more weeks.
My parents had a beautiful orchid in their window and I took so many photos of it in the crisp light.
Close up orchid pattern.
In Gothenburg the fleamarket season started. Some sellers were more morbid than others...
On the other side of the fence.
Sometimes David had to stand being photographed while choosing cookies in the grocery store.
Frida, the director of Teater Esther, on one of our production meetings with all her important things within reach.
This is me on my first day as married I think. We were staying at Österlen for a week for a mini honeymoon.
And this is from the same day as when we were
taking photos of our wedding pocket watches.
One evening sitting in front of our computers writing, drinking wine left over from the wedding and on the table sits a vase of flowers that was part of the table decorations on our wedding.
We went in to Simrishamn one day and visited the fleamarket. This is David when he tries to look fierce. I was taking photos of something else and then he photobombed my view and walked towards me with this very determined face and I had trouble taking this without laughing hysterically. That made him try even harder.
It was "Sillens dag" (day of the herring) in Simrishamn. We didn't know there was such a day before this but as Simrishamn is a fishing town it was herring bonanza that day. Every restaurant served their best herring meal and in the docks they had put up stands with vendors selling fried herring with mashed potatoes and lingonberry jam. It is very tasty and very swedish!
Ooooh soft serve with sprinkles!
Oh, and the people in the background looks a bit like aliens!
At another fleamarket. David found a drawer filled with old dentist tools and he of course thought Scary Movie Props and started to look at Every Single One of them.
Look how happy he is!
I found another interesting drawer. The label says "Rope's ends. Too small to use but good to have". They also have a drawer filled with mismatched jigsaw puzzle pieces. Love this place!
Hej hej!
I found this beautiful pocket watch display thingy and really wanted it but it was a little dented and way too pricey. But you can see my eyes glowing with want.
David among stuff.
David meets a new friend.
Oh, and look at that butt! (Sorry David, don't mean to objectify you. Much.)
In October it was theatre month and I had to bake cookies for the intermission of the play we performed. I was in sweet company of Moomins and rosé wine.
Flour on my nose and wine in my hand and music cranked up loud on the stereo.
The result in cookies.
They tasted like heaven.
A breakfast in november.
Toast with tahini (It needs to be of the organic brand Monki because there is just non like it. Tastes like peanut butter!) and banana. And coffee with milk in a pitcher.
Hot tea in my work room window. This is the cup that I told you about the other day, the one that is broken now. So sad.
And that was all for now.
Until next time:
Sometimes I find photos in my computer that I've chosen to edit but for some reason haven't put here on the blog. Most times they are just left behind and forgotten but some of them wants to be blogged, and who am I to say no then?
So here are twenty random, pretty, weird, funny and even scary photos from the last four months that were too good to end up unblogged and forgotten.
It was autumn but the moss was green like summer.
Mushrooms were found.
Mushrooms are weird and beautiful.
The bark on the trees looked like landscapes from outer space.
When the trees were fiery orange we started to film
a movie at the cemetery.
Hanna could fit in any scary movie. Olle is yet unaware of the evil sitting beside him.
Winter landed on the roofs of Gothenburg.
The city was cold and bright.
One december day I was treated to brunch at Hagabadet with Becka.
I don't think you understand how full I was when we left.
The sunset view from our balcony was nothing short of amazing.
And the one from my job was quite perfect too.
Snuggling feet one lazy sunday morning.
A piece of jewelry in the making.
Meeting with Hanna in her kitchen. We are planning great things together.
Coffee and ideas.
One evening I met up with Becka at a restaurant.
It was a weekday and we were both tired and in some serious need of talking, sipping wine and eating nice food.
Cozy bar lights.
I'll end this post with one hell of a scary photo of Hanna from the first evening of our week of filming at Österlen. Film directors of scary movies: Look! You have your next star!
End of random photo post. For this time.