Hello everybody!
I have to show you some photos from last wednesday when we were in the old Papyrus factory. We were there to film David's shortfilm Wallace but I had one more reason for the trip there. I had brought my friend Hanna with me to be my model wearing my latest jewelry pieces. This had been my dream for so long and it felt really amazing to finally be there with such a gorgeous model as Hanna and be able to capture her, my jewelry and this fantastic place all at once.
I could have used more than a few hours, I could have been there every day for weeks and not feel completely done with the place, but the photos turned out amazing and I'm just so eager to show you all of them. Soon. Today is just a small sneak peek and some behind the scenes photos from both the photoshoot and our day filming, but I promise you the full post will be up in just a few days.
Lets start with some behind the scenes photos, shall we?
Spotted photo worthy details everywhere. Like this feather...
...I think I returned to it at least five times during the day, it was just laying there so perfectly!
This room took my breath away.
And the pipes had plants peeking out of them.
This was also the room where I took the most photos of Hanna in. The light was gorgeous and the space was just made for a photoshoot like this.
Later in the afternoon, Claes the producer checks the shotlists to see what we have left to film.
I found a ladder and climbed it. David took photos of the room to use in visual effects later.
Sometimes it was hard to keep a straight face...
Hanna was such a great model and I definitely want to use her more in the future. We are part of the same
theatre group and it's always extra fun to work with someone I know well because then goofiness like this can happen and make the atmosphere relaxed and joyful.
One of the really great things with Hanna is her facial expressions. Calm but intriguing, dramatic without being over the top. Absolutely stunning.
Here are two sneak peeks to show you a bit of what you can expect to see in the large post coming soon.
It was like a paradise of backdrops. I wish I could just tear some of the walls down, take them with me and put them in our apartment for everyday use.
I only used the natural light seeping in through windows and cracks in the walls. I love to work like that, use what I have and find ways to amplify the atmosphere using nothing but what I can find around me in the moment. Like when the sun all of a sudden painted a circle of light on the floor and made for a perfect spotlight for Hanna to stand in.
I hope you feel intrigued and excited to see more, because I can't wait to show you the rest! In just a few days hopefully...
Yesterday was our last day filming David's shortfilm Wallace. We filmed from 9 in the morning until 10 at night and when we came home our bodies buzzed of tiredness. We decided that tomorrow was going to be a very lazy day and the most we were going to do was go to the icecream place around the corner and buy the largest icecream on the list to celebrate.
Slept like the dead and woke up happy but with aching muscles and tired heads.
This is this day through my iPhone:

These last few days have been sweaty, hard working and quite dirty so when it was time to get dressed today (not a minute before 1 pm) I went for the most colourful, pretty outfit I could find in my wardrobe: My favourite vintage dress EVER! I've had it for over ten years and I NEVER get tired of it (for obviuos reasons because who could get tired of this flower explosion?!). I have worn it to masquearades dressed as a Flowerbed accompanied with green tights so that I could walk around asking everybody to look at my nice stalks (hehe). I have worn it to a 60's themed party and I have worn it for picnics or just an especially sunny day. I love it so much!
The bag is also second hand. Found at some fleamarket years ago. The watch is new for me, a 1950's wristwatch bought from the etsy shop
ClockworkUniverse and the sunglasses are from
The Shade Company.

Walked to
Lejonet & Björnen, the icecream café close to where we live. I got a Banana split for I think the first time in my life.
It was huge. It was tasty. Best lunch ever.
In our local food store. David and Lotta get entranced by shiny objects.
At home. Another self portrait.
And now. Infront of the computer editing photos of
Hanna from our day at the old Papyrus factory. They turned out amazing and I can't wait to show them to you as soon as I'm finished with the editing.
This week has been truly amazing. I've learned so much and what started out as a small acting job turned into me being acting coach, assistant director and actor all in one. It's been so very rewarding, I've learned tons of new things, and I absolutely want to do more of this.
For the rest of this day I plan to drink tea, stretched out in the sofa and watch something dumb/entertaining/funny. If I can decide on something. I might not be able to. But that's okay too.
This week we are filming
David's short film Wallace.
I've been helping out behind the camera and as an acting coach. Yesterday we rehearsed indoors all day and today was our first day of filming.
The weather was super hot and sunny and we made it through the day with sunscreen, lots of refreshing drinks and hard work. It's been so much fun and we've only just begun! The kids acting in this movie are such a fun group and they have made friends with eachother in no time at all.
Here's three behind the scenes photos from today. More will come later in the week, probably.
The essence of summer.
David preparing and looking all focused.
Claes, The film's producer, waiting by the microfone. Soon time to start filming the first scene of the day.
Tomorrow we're returning to
Papyrus for a day of filming there. And I'm bringing my jewelry and my friend and model
Hanna .
It's going to be so exciting!
Hi, hello, hej, hallå!
I transfered a bunch of photos from my phone to my laptop and realised it was a while since I showed you the randomness that is my life through a phone camera.
We take it in chronological order with the first one from about a month ago. So here we go!

This is one of my all time favourite iphone photos. It's taken in the public bathroom at the City management office (Stadsledningskontoret, I have no idea if this is the right translation but google tells me so, so okay!)
It is a quite boring house with a grey/brown 70's office feel to it but when you step into the ladies room you get a flower power explosion out of this world. I almost forgot I had to pee, I was so overwhelmed. Forget me not flower tiles all over the place!
I showed one of my male colleagues who went straight to the mens room to see if they had the same flowery decor but he came out extremely disappointed. The mensroom had striped tiles. Boring stripes, not the happy joyful kind of stripes.
I feel sad for the men at the City management office.

A month ago the leaves apparently had yet to show their pretty faces. I looked like this in vintage skirt, spring jacket and newly washed hair (I never ever use a blowdryer. I'm lazy. And I don't know how to use it without getting extremely frizzy hair. And the one I have is inherited from my grandmother and I can probably blow harder with my mouth (yeah, yeah insert rude, sexy jokes here)).
I bought some vintage studio portraits that I have yet to show you.
Spring came and the summer came the day after. The flower stands at my neighbourhood market place Olskrokstorget looks pretty in the sunshine.
I found my summer skirts in the back of my wardrobe but since my thighs hate to meet each other I'm wearing tights all year round.
The cheeky smile is here to stay.
One day I realised my hair is as long as my arms.
I was in Scotland, as you probably know.
I tagged along when Jennie had sewing classes and here she is in her wonderful studio instructing one of her students.
Welcoming bathroom.
The toilet roll "holder" was even fancy at this place...
I went to Pollok Park and took lots of self portraits in this amazingly green parkway in the middle of the forrest. See my post from Pollok Park
Dancing by myself.
This beautiful path called on me but the ground was extremely muddy so I had to turn around.
Behind Jennie's studio there is a secret garden.
When I came home to Sweden again David had brought home our new coffee table. We found it at a fleamarket the saturday before I went to Scotland and we had to wait until the week after to bring it home. You can actually widen AND raise it into a kitchen table. Clever mid-century designers. It looks so good in our livingroom!
I found a dress on a fleamarket that makes me look like a naughty farmer's daughter. I love it and plan to go for this look the entire summer. Bring on the hay bales and flower crowns!
Went for a more sensible look the day after. Still the "naughty dress" but accompanied with, well, more clothes.
Had a friend over for fruit sallad and (three pots of) tea.
Relaxed on the balcony after my evening run. I am not good with flowers but I think that two surviving plants out of three is a quite okay result. Right?
The morning sun is just lovely in our kitchen window.
Summer is here and has turned our front yard into a jungle.
I keep overdressing because I refuse to acknowledge the warm weather. I tend to fill my bags with clothing during the day as I realise I don't need the jacket, or the cardigan, or the scarf...
Us in the elevator. Today it's 74 days until we get married, by the way.
My handsome David. This is from the day in the blog post beneath this one.
Hello there!
On sunday I woke up with hair like this. I'll tell you this is not the normal state of my hair straight out of bed. It's usually more troll than princess so I took it as a sign for a good day ahead.
We had a day of casting for David's short film Wallace. Four teenage girls came to audition for one of the roles and as I told you in my last post I got to play the class bully who gets slapped in the face. Each girl did the scene at least three times. So I got slapped in the face at least 12 times.
My face was all red and tingly!
In two weeks I get to do it all over again...