I am so excited! I have been dying to show you these pictures and it's only been two days since I took them.
My friend Ruby came over on monday to model some of my large necklaces. I've been thinking for quite some time that my necklaces from the Tangled Triangle- and Irregular Pieces series would look so great in a rougher and edgier styling and since I love to use my friends as models I started to think who would fit the profile. Ruby, of course!
She lives, and studies, in Uppsala, a town quite far from Gothenburg, so I had to wait for Ruby to come here. And finally it happened!
And Oboy, this was a match made in heaven!
My necklaces looked so good on Ruby and she managed to get my idea perfectly and - I mean just look at her!

Most of these necklaces you'll find in the
necklace section of my etsy shop and the ones that aren't there yet will pop up there soon, I promise.
I am so happy with these photos, and I hope you like them too! Doesn't she look awesome?!
I have been keeping myself busy this week even though my cold has kicked in for a second round (Oh yay!). Yesterday I had a completely different, but equally great, photoshoot with my friend Ida and I hope to be ready to show you those photos soon too.
They will be a part of the release of my new collection so I'm really excited to show you all!
Hello hello!
So finally I can show you the photos from the photoshoot David and I did last week.
I had been working on a very large necklace and was thinking about how I wanted to show it in photos. It needed to be very fancy since the necklace is far from an everyday piece, and I wanted the sharp, intricate shapes of it to really stand out.
As in the photos for my first Tangled Triangle necklaces I wanted to go for the old times movie actress/diva look because I think the clash between that soft, flirty and composed feeling makes a really interesting background to the wild and strong expression of the necklaces.
This time I really wanted to turn myself into one of those old time diva ladies and not be afraid of crossing the line of my own comfort zones.
Let me explain; I feel quite safe infront of the camera most of the time. I have easy to smile and goof around and think it's really fun to be able to showcase my own jewelry from time to time. But here I wanted to go a little bit further and forget about "me" and become a full blown Rita Hayworth-y persona oozing of strength, playfulness and a "I don't care what you think of me" atitude and just own the photoshoot.

We needed two photoshoots to get that because the first day just didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. I was still just me and the composition of the photos wasn't at all what I wanted.
When David and I work together like this it's really a collaboration. He sets the light, I plan out the photos and we talk about how I want the necklaces to be positioned in the frame. Then he takes a few photos, we look through them together and from there we know what works and what doesn't.
It takes a while, but it's so fun, and so rewarding when I later sit down to edit the photos and realise I've been a part of all the aspects from making the jewelry piece, planning the photoshoot, modeling the necklace, taking photos of it and editing it into what you see here now.
A clash between two strong extremes: The old timey movie diva and the sharp and wild necklaces that make The Tangled Triangle series.

All of these are listed in the
shop and you can click the links under the photos to get to each necklace.
The very large, grey necklace is just amazing and took me over 12 hours to finnish and is made of more than 6 metres of wire.
There are no two alike so wearing a Tangled Triangle Necklace is wearing a piece of art around your neck.
This lady has been one busy bee lately being model, jewelry artist and photoshoot boss ALL IN ONE.
I have SO MANY photos to show you and I just can't believe how lovely they turned out!
David took the photos and he was so great, because the pics from the first day of shooting just didn't turn out the way I wanted them to and I asked if he could help me re-do it all the day after, and I am so glad we did!
I'm mashing a Rita Hayworth-y, dramatic glamoury feel with my sharp yet wild Tangled Triangle Necklaces and I think the combo is working!
Or what do you say? Are you excited to see the rest of the photos? Because they will be here soon. I'd say monday or tuesday, so stay tuned!
Hello hello!
Yesterday I went into the bathroom as regular Lotta and came out a while later as some kind of Rita Hayworth-y type movie star from the 50's.
David was going to help me take photos of my new Tangled Triangle Necklaces and I had a clear picture in my head of what I wanted it to look like. One of the things I love with this necklace is how it's both asymmetric and sort of fancy looking. I wanted to make that clash the focus in these photos. Glamorous events meets abstract sculptures meets wild and uncontrolled parties. Bring on the make up, the red lips, the black velvet and the wavey hair. The photos were to show just enough of me to create a feeling for the photo but mostly focus on the jewelry pieces in all their glory.
I really like how these turned out and I hope you like them too.
You can arrange the necklace differently by attaching the chain anywhere you want to on the necklace piece.
All of these necklaces and a few more will be listed in my
etsy shop over the days. The first one is
already there if you want to look closer at it.