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I'm just popping in to show you two things.

First: Lights Out was featured at a film festival at the island Gotland in Sweden. In an old ruin at night.
This feels like the perfect way to see our shorts! I so wish I could have been there to see it, but I was really happy that they sent us this photo that gives a good idea of the atmosphere there.
Photo: Sandra Fröberg, Film på Gotland.
In other Lights Out news: we counted the views on all the different uploads of Lights Out. It's up to a total of 104 million views.
That is just completely bananas.
A few weeks ago we found this facebook upload that has an insane amount of views, and there's a bunch of uploads on youtube as well (this is our official upload though).
I still can't grasp the enormity of this thing. I probably never will.
And the other thing I wanted to show you is this photo I took of David yesterday. He needed a photo for professional reasons and we had maybe four minutes to take it before he needed to get to work and I had to get ready for my Accent Reduction lesson.
I am so happy with the result because take a look at that handsome man! My husband who hates getting his picture taken, looking all happy and relaxed. And beautiful.

Okay, that was all for today.
Hope you'll have a great weekend, and talk to you soon!


My stupid cold doesn't wanna leave my body yet, and I'm feeling more tired of this dreadfully grey winter than ever before, so what better way to lift my spirits than dream of the lush green summer?
I wrote in my last A Lotta Dancing post that I had one more installment in this series that I hadn't shown you, even though I took the photo in august or something.
I don't really know why it took me so long to first edit (I did that in november I think) and then to blog it, because I love this one so much.
There's just so much energy in this!
Maybe I knew I would need it when the winter felt the most dreadful. It's like a vitamin kick to your colour depraved vision, right?
And if you're wondering. I'm dancing to various 80's disco tunes that were playing in my head. Sometimes I was singing loudly, sometimes it was more of a grunting to the beat in my mind. Anyways, you can tell the mood, right?

Gosh, I can't wait for warmer weather! To be able to dance more freely whenever I get into the groove.
I promise I'll show you when that happens.

Until next time:


Previous A Lotta Dancing posts:
Dancing in the Woods of St Olof and Rotvälta .

I've been dancing again!
This time I actually returned to the very same forest where I shot the last (and very first) installment of A Lotta Dancing but these two photos carry an entirely different mood.
I'm madly in love with the first one. It took a lot of tries to get the cape to move that way, exactly when the camera shutter went off. But it was so worth it, don't you think?
Rotvälta means uprooted tree and is pronounced a little bit like rootvelt-ah. Haha, so hard to try and spell how it might sound to non-Swedes.
Free style dancing to the humming in my head.

I actually have another installment in this series ready, taken this last summer so I might show you that when the longing for green nature is at its strongest. So very soon, I guess.

Today I wanted to share something with you that I've been working on for quite some time now. It's a little project I'd like to call A Lotta Dancing and it's exactly as it sounds. It's a lotta dancing.
The idea to this has sort of snuck up on me for a while. When I was a child I used to hate going on walks because when I saw a beautiful glade, a fascinating tree or a wonderful hidden cave at the side of the track, the grown ups always walked past it, and I wanted to go there and sit and dream for at least an hour or so.
This has not grown out of me. I do love to go on walks though, but that feeling of wanting to stay in the magical surroundings and just be there is still as strong within me.
Nowadays that feeling is accompanied by another urge. To dance.
To move around in a way that that exact place encourages me to. All by myself, just to absorb the environment as much as I possible can.
In this first installment, of what I hope will turn into a series, it's a large forest making me feel like the tiniest human being alive.
Dancing barefoot on sticks and moss and letting the light seep through the branches onto my sholders. To imagine myself being completely lost among the trees, yet not be scared.
I'm combining my love for photography, magical or weird places, self portraits and dancing and turning it into this: A Lotta Dancing.
I hope you like it. There is definitely more to come because this world has so many places that needs to be danced in.

Talk to you soon!

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