Hej hej!
I'm home from Scotland! I actually arrived in Sweden on friday but I've been working the entire weekend (one 12 and one 21 hour shift, phew) and came off work yesterday morning so it feels like I went directly from Scotland to work and only came up over the surface somewhere around noon yesterday.
My camera was (of course) filled with photos from my trip so I thought I would show you some of them. I had planned to make one large blog post from my entire trip but earlier today I realised it needed to be two, and thirty minutes ago I decided three is much better. So get ready for the first of three photo filled Scotland posts!
I arrived in Glasgow on late monday afternoon. I went straight to my friend
Jennie's studio where she was preparing for her sewing class. Her students dropped in shortly after I did and I spent the time eating cookies, drinking coffee, and taking photos of the amazing house where Jennie's studio is located.
I want a window like this!
Interior detail from Jennie's apartment.
A bit fuzzy, but I just couldn't resist this one. I mean, all the things you need: a blow dryer, hairspray and a bum.
On tuesday we had breakfast at The Brooklyn Café next to where Jennie and her boyfriend lives. Here is Jennie.
And here is Jennie in a gif.
After that we walked to her studio again. Passed three blue doors.
The reason for my trip to Scotland is that Jennie is the one who's going to make my wedding dress. She is so very talented! Since it's not going to be a traditional wedding dress at all I knew Jennie was the girl to do it. She is one busy girl with lots of sewing classes and I was happy to tag along and be a part of her daily life.
No parking.
Scotland was amazingly green. I mean. Yeah. SO green.
Inside Jennie's studio.
Jennie surveying her student's work.
On our way into town we walked past many houses like this one. So pretty.
This is one wobbly fence.
We went to the subway because Jennie told me it's the world's most silly subway system and I needed to see it. It's tiny and goes in a small circle. One train goes one way, the other one goes the other. And everything is in lovely brown and orange colours that only ever existed in the 1970's.
In the evening Jennie had another sewing class across town and I decided to hang out at a café instead. Drank lots of coffee, used the wireless internet, spoke with David on skype and rested my feet.
We met up afterwards and went to
the Glad Café and drank cider and planned the rest of my time in Scotland before we went home after a long day.
On Wednesday I had the day to myself. Jennie had a funeral to attend and she equipped me with a map (that she printed from Google maps and taped together in an awesome way).
I was on my way to a place close to Jennie's apartment...
...Pollok Park!
I took most of the photos from my entire trip in this park. It was just lovely.
I walked around for two and a half hours and I will show you all of that tomorrow. Prepare yourself for the most amazing lush green you've ever seen. EVER.
Okay, I won't over hype you but make sure to pop by again tomorrow.
I'm on my way out the door soon for an evening walk/run. More walking than running, but I'm getting there!
See you tomorrow!