Hi everybody!
I'm back in Sweden again, all jetlagged and with a post flight cold to top it all off.
I wanted to share some photos from when we went to Venice Beach over the day. It was really touristy and not as fun as we'd expected but we definitely found some nice spots. And I think I actually took some really great photos this day. Hope you think so too.
Who buys this stuff? I don't get it.
Muscle dad on Muscle beach.
It was a really foggy day at first. You could hardly even see the beach.
Oh, and if you like stupid, sexist t-shirts Venice Beach is the place for you!
I really liked this wall painting!
Hehe. See the sign? It says "Lazy dog" and the owner points it in the direction of the dog. We walked past them a while later and then the dog sat on the other side but the sign still pointed towards him.
David looking all cool.
We left the beach to have a look at the streets further up. I liked this alley. So close to the beach but still secluded and silent.
The Super Mario Bros were up at the roof fixing something.
Don't really know why, but I really love this house. Think it's the colours and shapes. Yeah.
And this colourful house is nice too!
Saw this old man and his dog and took a gazillion photos of them. Looks so nice and peaceful.
Walked closer.
And found out that he was the owner of a vintage shop! It was very small and narrow and most of it actually took place in the staircase. Loved it!
Hej hej!
Before we said good bye I had to take some more photos of the little dog, now parked in the chair.
Walked back towards the beach again. This mural is amazing!
These last two photos are my favourites from this day. I couldn't decide which of them to choose so you'll get to see both of them. I like the lazy seagulls on the roof next to the painter. They look so incredibly rude and self absorbed.
So that was all from Venice Beach.
I will be back soon with a post about Santa Monica Main Street. I LOVE that street!
Until then: Tjingeling!